1 post - vote for the next 1:6th SW figure

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Star Wars Source

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ANH for me! I NEED an R2-D2, C-3P0 and a VADER!
Wouldn`t an R2 with working doors and utility arms or a 3P0 with removeable panels (so stripped down he looks like Ep 1 3P0) ROCK?!? :chew
I voted ROTJ... give me ewoks, Jabba skiff troops, Gomorean Guard, Squidface....

next would be ANH... Jawas, Sandpeople
ROTJ - I want the REAL Palpatine! Screw Mr.Wardrobe Change and Lightsaber, I want a Sith Lord who doesn't NEEEEDD a stinking lightsaber!

Agreed. I would really like to see a ROTJ palpatine. I would think he would be a piece of cake after seeing the stunning job done on the ROTS one. :emperor
I'd have to say ROTJ full reveal Vader.... :vader

It really needs to be done and I cannot wait to see the SSC take on this figure. Also really want to see a Stormtrooper and ROTJ Emperor in his throne enviro. :rock
Not fussed what order, I just want ALL the ANH classics- Luke (farm + X-wing), Han, Chewy, Droids, Vader, Stormies (classic and sand) and what with this being the 30th anniversary and all, I really thought we'd get more. Leia and Ben look great... but c'mon guys get your fingers out!
voted aotc. the kaminoan prime minister would be an awesome alien addition. we need more cloners!!!!
Original trilogy all the way, especially a character from ESB.

Bespin Lando would be cool. Im suprised by how popular prequel merchandise is, the films were terrible IMO.
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Original troilogy all the way, especially a character from ESB.

Bespin Lando would be cool. Im suprised by how popular prequel merchandise is, the films were terrible IMO.

...and we have 8% voting for EU... what's that?

Btw I voted for ESB too, some Snowtroopers would be great.
ANH Vader and smugglin' Han.

Go get the (surprisingly good) Hasbro Dooku and save all of us the torture.

I personally don't have the time or patience to do the fairly large amount of customization to get that one up to snuff for me. I also really don't like the megasized lightsaber and Dooku's lightsaber is among my favorite designs so I'd like a nice one to go with him.

...and we have 8% voting for EU... what's that?

Btw I voted for ESB too, some Snowtroopers would be great.
I voted EU before I remembered Dooku because I'm not the biggest SW fan but I LOVE the Clone Wars toon and am also a fan of the look of some of the other EU characters. My second choice after Dooku would be Durge.