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The Fifth Element
Can't Hardly Wait
Happy Gilmore/Billy Madison
40 year old virgin
Step Brothers
Old School
Dumb and Dumber
The Fast and the Furious
Iron Man (original)
The Avengers
Star Trek (2009) /Star Trek: into
The Hangover
Varsity Blues
The Dark Knight
10 things i hate about you
Tommy boy/Black sheep
The Hunger Games
Enter The Dragon
Ong Bak
The Matrix
Young Guns
District 9
Sucker Punch
The Land before time (original)
Short Circuit
Batteries not included
X men
Fantastic Four

That is the craziest list of favorite movies I've ever seen Swamp
Fight Club
The Dark Knight
No Country for Old Men
The Bourne Ultimatum
Batman Begins
Black Hawk Down
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Die Hard

1) Empire Strikes Back
2) Batman Begins
3) Inception
4) Raiders of the Lost Ark
5) Gladiator
6) Casino Royale

I can't think of four more films that would definitively be on my top 10 list. My list is likely to vary day to day. Today I would have to add Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Trilogy, Leon, Jurassic Park, and Planet of the Apes. Tomorrow though it might instead included Labyrinth, Dumb & Dumber, Toy Story, and Saving Private Ryan. All are great in my eyes and would be on my top 50 or top 100 list, but I just can't give them a definitive rank to know if they'd make the final cut or not. Those top 6? Those are my favorite movies. I like the entire original Star Wars Trilogy, Indiana Jones series, and Nolan Dark Knight films but I thought I'd pick the best of the best from each series. If I could only watch one from each of those, it'd be the ones on my list. But thankfully in real life, I don't have to only own 10 movies so I am able to enjoy all the movies in those respective series.

Nice list. Thinking along the same lines. Same with me in regards to picking the best within the trilogies.
I could make a dozen different top ten lists and they'd all be equal in my eyes. It'd be much easier to do it by genre.

Master and Commander
Life of Brian
The Fifth Element
Pulp Fiction
The Bourne Identity
Being John Malkovich
Toy Story
Star Wars
Terminator 2
In no order

Kill Bill 1 & 2
X-Men First Class
Big Trouble in Little Chiba
Star Wars
Temple of Doom
Logan's Run
Coming to America
Trading places
Die Hard
The Running man
Life of Brian
Carry on Don't lose you head
Planet of the apes
Hellboy II
Sucker Punch
Back to the Future
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