12 inch OBI WAN KENOBI - ANH!!!

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Definite buy for me. Wish we had more, but then again I have enough stuff ordered as it is.

Bossk looks cool, but he's hardly important enough to warrant a 1:1 bust. At least in my eyes. Vader statue looks cool, but it'll probably be really expensive.
pixletwin said:
You beat me fair 'n' square. :lol

Mine too. So excited about this item. A great choice for the 30th anniversary and my word what a sculpt. Its absolutely flawless. We now have all three OT jedi (I'm counting Medicom Yoda). To quote ALan Partridge "Jurrasic Park"!!!!! :chew

Man this looks like a winner.

I'm sure it's just the angle of the picture,but that ear looks friggin huge!!

Anzik Hayes said:
His trunk was in ANH. He pulled Anakin's saber out of it.

Didn't he?

I think so but I don't know if you would consider that a solid in movie exclusive like the training remote. Would be interesting if Obi Wan had the remote, Han - the blast helmet ( as it WAS his) and Luke his Hat and Poncho.

Maybe his exclusive will be Anakin's saber, so we can give it to our Ceremony Luke! :)
This is the first regular PPO I remember taking place on a Thursday. I wonder if he'll be inclusive?
Hmm will SS go movie accurate D Ring saber or the easier road of just doing a clip like the PT Jedi. What will this mean for Luke's saber? Mold reuse or all new weapon?