Tha jacket was my first and only concern with this figure. It looks cheap to me but in hand it might be a different story. Sure wish it was in hand right now.
Tha jacket was my first and only concern with this figure. It looks cheap to me but in hand it might be a different story. Sure wish it was in hand right now.
Anyone know what the Medicom Indy jacket is made of? Or have any good pics of the figure?
Anyone know what the Medicom Indy jacket is made of? Or have any good pics of the figure?
I agree with the jacket concerns, that could really make or break the figure in no small way. I think I can live with the hat molded onto one of his heads, but if the jacket isn't especially well done, there's gonna be a >>>>storm of complaints to follow.
As long as Mola Ram follows closely behind---I'll be happy.
One of the most visually interesting villains in film obviously Sideshow will do Donovan next.
Also interesting to have another look at Belloq:
Who sculpted him, and what's his guide dog called?
Don't worry, if we get, say, only 2 more figures from this line I believe one will be Toht.
And we wonder why SSC artists/employees don't share their insights with the board anymore...
I think the SSC jacket will work just fine once it's properly weathered.
With the GENX Indy lost in limbo somewhere and the Medicom version being less than ideal (pistol molded into his hand? No thanks.), I have very high hopes for Sideshow's Indy line. Probably need to see some production pics before passing final judgement, but the 12" line looks very promising so far.
Indy was on display at San Diego. And he looked great.
But I doubt we'll get anything else from this line after Belloq. I'm sure the idol pedestal was developed on its own (like the Dejarik table) and they shifted it to Belloq to boost sales. I just ordered a second Indy from CSC to customize since I doubt we're getting any more versions of him.
Tha jacket was my first and only concern with this figure. It looks cheap to me but in hand it might be a different story. Sure wish it was in hand right now.
And we wonder why SSC artists/employees don't share their insights with the board anymore...