The Craw
Super Freak
hey!!!!!!!Maybe if Hobbits were a little more cool this line would have kicked off. Hobbits are just about the gayest thing I have ever heard of. I mean wtf is a halfling lol.

hey!!!!!!!Maybe if Hobbits were a little more cool this line would have kicked off. Hobbits are just about the gayest thing I have ever heard of. I mean wtf is a halfling lol.
Nope. Not sure why people believe this. Go look at the pics of the Hobbit costumes. They are not a simple "mix and match" at all. Their costumes are every bit as complicated as anyone else's. new vest, jackets, shirts, scarf, pants, accessories, heads, etc.
Accuracy tossed to the wind, I for one, would buy a Merry and Pippen if the only things they had that were not reused were the head sculpts. It's a hell of a lot easier to customize a figure, than scratchbuild one.
I can't imagine why Sideshow can't at least put out Gimli and the remaining Hobbits with a realy low ES that would be a sure sell out (ie maybe ES of 1000?). Even if they jacked the price up to $90 each I would still pay.
Accuracy tossed to the wind, I for one, would buy a Merry and Pippen if the only things they had that were not reused were the head sculpts. It's a hell of a lot easier to customize a figure, than scratchbuild one.
I have no interest in a Merry wearing a mix of Frodo and Sam's clothes. One of the great, if not greatest, thing of this line has been the tailoring and attention to detail. I'd rather no figures than half-assed ones. If accuracy isn't an issue, one could always buy the Toybiz Frodo and call him "Merry".
The head sculpts will be the easy part. These costumes will never be simple to cobble together from other sources and look good. We'll have to either have a tailor picking out fabrics and sewing outfits or wait till Sideshow, or someone else returns to the license, to get a decent Merry & Pippin.
Didn't Unky Dave say that Sidshow has to sell 3000 of a figure before the turn a profit?
If indeed these LotR figures are so expensive to make, Sideshow would probably lose a lot if they only sold 1000 of each figure. Even if the jacked up the price.
Its dead, dead dead dead dead.
yes. it would be equivalent of frodo screaming like a girl, throwing the ring up in the air, and running for the hills when the ringwraiths first set upon him in the shire.
I can't imagine why Sideshow can't at least put out Gimli and the remaining Hobbits with a realy low ES that would be a sure sell out (ie maybe ES of 1000?). Even if they jacked the price up to $90 each I would still pay.
I remember hearing this same thing about the Lone Gunmen from X-Files, Wesley from Angel, Ygor from Universal Monsters, Roy and Jason part 8 from Friday 13th, Rod Serling from Twilight Zone and several others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
You missed my point. That point being that I'd rather make a custom Merry and Pippin based off of the quality Sideshow sculpt and Hobbit body than attempt to scratchbuild it from nothing. Again, you'd have the Sideshow headsculpt, matching paint and the hobbit body for consistency.
Well if we are discussing what Sideshow should do with its Dead line profits, ^^^^ LotR, make an Origins Kurgan
Then worry about LotR.
I remember hearing this same thing about the Lone Gunmen from X-Files, Wesley from Angel, Ygor from Universal Monsters, Roy and Jason part 8 from Friday 13th, Rod Serling from Twilight Zone and several others I'm sure I'm forgetting. It's the eternal lament of the prematurely canceled line.
Origins Kurgan![]()
God I wish I could trade Faramir for a Sideshow Saruman or Gimli or Merry/Pippin.
anyone would have been better.
Well if we are discussing what Sideshow should do with its Dead line profits, ^^^^ LotR, make an Origins Kurgan
Then worry about LotR.
I actually really like Faramir. I think he has a cool outfit, and the outfit on the figure is topnotch. A Les/Josh repaint on the head really is a MUST though. While I would rather have Saruman, Gimli or Merry/Pippin instead as well (now that we know we won't get them), I at least have a plan I'm happy with for what we DID get: