Wow, you guys are still going with the woulda shoulda coulda deal eh? I suppose, but i've made my peace, and i hope we get something down the line. (If not it's a shame!)
is SW the only line that can last for more than 20 figures?
When you see minor characters come out, you can believe that there's a likelihood of at least getting all the minor characters too. So Faramir should have done the same job - not a fellowshipper, thus shows that the line will be deep.
we only have to cobble together a Merry and Pippin.
And do we accept that we will not get these hobbits. Not this day! This day we whine and we moan and we whinge until those mothers at Sideshow decide to do the decent thing and give us a hobbit two pack!
This day......we fight!
yes. it would be equivalent of frodo screaming like a girl, throwing the ring up in the air, and running for the hills when the ringwraiths first set upon him in the shire.Sometimes you just have to COMMIT to finishing something that you've started on principle alone. Sideshow has never really grasped this moral concept.
Yes, it's a business... but there is a difference between being committed and then dropping a line and running away from it with the first sign of trouble.
true. but the SW train can keep chugging along for years with EU releases that people will buy which can buy time for a chewy, R2, and 3PO.Well, with the big screw over Sideshow did with the incomplete Fellowship statues and the grumpy Buffy fans who didn't get their complete scooby gang, I didn't have much hope, just a fool's hope, that Sideshow would get it right this time and complete the Fellowship.
Good luck with a Chewy, R2 and 3PO in the SW line.
Would it really be that difficult to finish the Fellowship? I mean, the last two Hobbits, Merry and Pippen, should be relatively easy requiring only a mix and match with minor adjusting to the clothes and new headsculpts (although a Pippen in armor would kick ass). The only real full-blown figure they'd need to create would be Glimli.