If they had brought out a wraith or a saruman you know this line would have sold better. Come on.
Death to 12'' !!!!
Seriously,You guys need to upgrade to statues and PF's....If not, Maybe its time to realize Sideshow may not be the collectible compagny for you....
Shai, You haven't been the same since the Stephanie photos, all those years ago.
Having said that, neither have I
Now bloody support us sad 12" dudes, or I'll be popping round to your house!![]()
Death to 12'' !!!!
Seriously,You guys need to upgrade to statues and PF's....If not, Maybe its time to realize Sideshow may not be the collectible compagny for you....
If they had brought out a wraith or a saruman you know this line would have sold better. Come on.
Some I'm sure. However, I think it was doing alright with the hardcore fans of LOTR. Not enough bandwagon riders like with SW and Marvel to really get it going.
Shai, You haven't been the same since the Stephanie photos, all those years ago.
Having said that, neither have I
Now bloody support us sad 12" dudes, or I'll be popping round to your house!:mad:
I have 6 PFs and I love them, but they are boring compared to 1/6, IMO.
They look amazing and have a great presence in a collection, but once out of the box they are kinda boring. You cant futz with them or pose them or anything.
1/6 figures are more entertaining for me.
I have 6 PFs and I love them, but they are boring compared to 1/6, IMO.
They look amazing and have a great presence in a collection, but once out of the box they are kinda boring. You cant futz with them or pose them or anything.
1/6 figures are more entertaining for me.
That's it for me. Yeah, PF's can look better because of scale and all, but you're also stuck with either liking or disliking the design of the piece. With 1/6 figures, you can make the "statue" however you want it, and when you get tired of it, change it to something else. You get tired of a PF, not much you can do but get rid of it.
I think it had plenty of following up until Faramir. Truly, Faramir was the turning point for this line. Aragorn, Legolas and Boromir all turned out quite well, in fact I remember Borormir being so much better than the first 2 all around that it had people really excited about the line getting stronger with subsequent figures. Then they announce Faramir and it goes downhill from their. He's borderline second tier character in the films and not part of the fellowship, so right away you've widdled down to hardcore fans after 3 figures. Then he gets delayed while other merchandise is pouring in, so people start to question their following to move onto something else. Then after the delay, no sign of new figures, and the so-so reaction to his character choice, he turns out to have one of the worst production paint jobs of any SSC 1/6 in the last couple years, which probably was the last straw for quite a few folks. The the Hobbits come along and stir a bit of life, but a lot of that was wasted because their delay outweighed their quality with a lot of folks. If the line had stayed on the track it had going with the first 3, I'd be it'd be as strong as SW almost by now.
The delays may have been the biggest nail really. Faramir as a choice was no biggie and you do have to toss the hardcore fans a bone. The quality of the Hobbits was an issue? Must have missed that one. Thats some serious weak sauce at best for a reason. Faramir's paint job was the only real issue I saw in the line the rest of the figures. Like I said the delays is what tossed it off track because most collectors have a 30 second span for patience.
No, the hobbits weren't a quality issue, I'm saying with some folks, I think their quality didn't matter, no matter how nice, the delays and other world factors outweighed them.
As for Faramir as a choice, ya hardcores should get a nod like that, but the 4th figure in your line isn't necessarily the best time, or at least if you're going to do that, turn him out quick, which he wasn't.