12" Padme Head Sculpt Previewed in Latest Podcast!

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IrishJedi said:
Way too early to tell if that's due to the pic, the lighting or is the sculpt.
It kinda looks like her lip is slightly indented which could actually be indented on Natalie and thats why they did that.

Some of you guys might think I'm being 'anal' (as Josh loves to put), but I really just want these figures to be the best they can be for all of us. If we can make suggestions to make them even even better than they already are, I see nothing wrong with that.
Look at the reference shot to the left of the sculpt. You can see that her lip tapers downward and is not raised like a bump. The lip on the right side of the sculpt tapers perfectly.
JustinLuck said:

Some of you guys might think I'm being 'anal' (as Josh loves to put), but I really just want these figures to be the best they can be for all of us. If we can make suggestions to make them even even better than they already are, I see nothing wrong with that.

This might be a record for fastest complaint.
I'm just happy to say I've never scrutinized any figures that closely. It has to be something on the level of Anakins bad paint job before I really notice it.
Why do I even mention it? Because like Dusty said, it's awaiting Lucas approval, so it is still a work in progress. There is a chance that they will modify it. Why not fix something while you still can? Jeeze...
With all the huffy opinions that going flying around on this forum -- both pro and con -- JustinLuck's observation seems to be merely an honest observation.

I have no problem with constructive criticism -- it's comments made just to incite board members I think are FUMTU.

Back on topic, this Padme sculpt looks very well done. Can't wait to see more.
JustinLuck said:
Why do I even mention it? Because like Dusty said, it's awaiting Lucas approval, so it is still a work in progress. There is a chance that they will modify it. Why not fix something while you still can? Jeeze...
Uh, Dusty (in post #25) said that this sculpt is "100% approved".

And I have no issues with it at all at this point.
JustinLuck said:
Now this is a perfect sculpt. Josh may think all I do is complain. But I say it like I see it. If the Han Solo sculpt had been anywhere near as good as this one, I wouldn't have said a peep.

By the way, did you post the above BEFORE you examined every pixel of the images?

You post "...this is a perfect sculpt" then 30 minutes later you're providing criticisms (with visual aids!) of a supposed imperfection you've already discovered? And you want to know why some of us think you go out of your way to be critical?

I guess it isn't clear that I do think the sculpt is 99% perfect. It was only after I misread Dusty's post that I pointed out a suggestion on the left side of the upper lip. I'm not going to suggest specific improvements if nothing can be done.
Very impressive sculpt... and thanks for posting the images Irish! This figure is still probably a pass for me, unless of course there will be a series of Clone-Wars inspired figures... Obi in Clone gear anyone? But definitely bodes well for future Padme figures!
JustinLuck said:
I guess it isn't clear that I do think the sculpt is 99% perfect. It was only after I misread Dusty's post that I pointed out a suggestion on the left side of the upper lip. I'm not going to suggest specific improvements if nothing can be done.

No worries, bro. It's all good.
I'am actually a little surprised that no one has mentioned it yet....I think it is clearly the most inaccurate sculpt to date.....SHE'S BALD!!!!!!
In all seriousness, SSC could reuse this same exact sculpt and just paint it differently for a separate Evey figure from "V For Vendetta" and no one would care (well, except maybe for Warner Bros and DC Comics :monkey5 )

Seriously, SS... GET THAT LICENSE!! :emperor
King Darkness said:
I'am actually a little surprised that no one has mentioned it yet....I think it is clearly the most inaccurate sculpt to date.....SHE'S BALD!!!!!!

Not if you recently watched 'V for Vendetta'. ;)

And now that brings us to the question, Sideshow can you make us V?? :D

Yes, yes, I know there are legalities involved... But a company like yours can get around that, right????:D