12" SS SW Asajj pic

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jlcmsu said:
I hope it's just a minor surger tom. Everything ok?

No kidding. I hope it's nothing serious. I'm sure some nice Freak that doesn't want it would be kind enough to get it for you.
jlcmsu said:
I hope it's just a minor surger tom. Everything ok?

Everything will be OK, thanks. Just a little reconstructive surgery on a birth defect. Both my sons have had the same problem, but this one is less severe than my oldest son's. (I just can't seem to make boys properly...) His required two separate extensive surgeries--this one shouldn't be so bad.

But Asajj will have to wait.
tomandshell said:
Everything will be OK, thanks. Just a little reconstructive surgery on a birth defect. Both my sons have had the same problem, but this one is less severe than my oldest son's. (I just can't seem to make boys properly...) His required two separate extensive surgeries--this one shouldn't be so bad.

But Asajj will have to wait.
Good luck, Tom. It sure makes bickering over collectibles seem petty.
Well I guess I will have to make sure Im around a computer next Friday. I just hope this PPO will be as painless as the last few.
tomandshell said:
Thanks! I think everything will go fine.

Now back to the topic at hand--Asajj is coming next Friday!!
Who and the when, now?

I'll be ordering her for sure. I like how the preview was done, btw. It's nice to see several views like that.
Seth Gecko said:
hope the exclusive is cool.

Same here, I expect the box for the sabers, but I'd rather have 2 extra blue and green sabers. The box should be standard. I also would prefer her bearing her teeth in anger, but I like it more than I thought it would.
YES!!! Cant wait to see what the excl. is gonna be. I will most definitely be PPO this bad boy...or bad girl.
Tom there is always the option to try and call Sideshow. It just an idea if you get the chance. I may have to do the same thing since I will be out of state for an install and not sure I will be able to get to a computer.
Hope the surgery is a routine one Tom and you can all get back into YOUR routines! :D

Seth Gecko said:
I hope the exclusive is under 2000.Makes it more fun:maul :emperor :lsvader

Yup. PPOs are funner when the pressure is on. :rock
Yep, I'll be going for this one. However, I don't currently have money set aside so if it ends up that I don't have the money at like the 30 day mark (or before) then I'll have to cancel. But I might as well order in case I have the money by that time (remember, there is the tax return:D )

Although, if they do Vader then I will have to cancel one of the things I do have money for. Can't be without Vader.
a stunner! no skin tone or much detail in her face so there should be no complaints with her. i might buy 2. any idea on the exclusive?...or should that be another thread.
People seem to think its either her green and blue sabers or the box Dooku presented her red sabers in. Neither of those choices seems particularly interesting to me.

I have to reiterate again how happy I am that we got Asajj (my vote) before Padme.
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