Vizcad said:
Firstly i dont believe it is right to call my opinion or anyone elses on this board stupid!!!
Ok maybe not stupid but how about childish? I mean it's like saying, "My dad can beat up your dad." Overall, I think the poly line is better but that doesn't make it so. It's not that when people say I think something is better than something that gets people pissed, but how the post can possibly be read by another. Nothing more nothing less.
Vizcad said:
Still , whatever the partnership was or who's fault is irrelevant...the collectors...namely us...should have been treated better is all.....i mean there are so many collectors i know that have wishlists for statues that were never made
Treated better? Unless, I just fell a sleep at the wheel I would say really we couldn't have been treated much better. We got high class items IMO for pretty good prices and the best CS around.

So where collectors treated badly because some statues on some people's wish lists didn't get made? Come on!!! I've got wishlists for not only this line but other things in my life I wouldn't consider anything mistreatment if they never happened or never got made. I agree and said that a few of the non-important Orcs could have been left out so Faramir, Denethor, and Eomer could have been made.
Vizcad said:
.....and after spending all that money on pieces only to have them lose value because of ridiculous edition sizes is upsetting and it should be for all of us.
It's not for me. I don't collect because of the value though some do

. It's nice to know they are worth more than I paid I totally agree with that but it doesn't get my panties in a wad if they aren't either.
Vizcad said:
I dont believe waiting on preorders to determine edition size is fair...its greedy!!!
No more so than wanting super tiny ones so some can turn around and sell something on ebay for 5x it's MSRP. Just like life this road works both ways. You can't want there to be a demand and keep super tiny ES and hope to make big $$$ without the ES going up. Now, I do admit the ES over about 5500 are a too high but that's what happens when you have people ordering 2 of every piece.
Vizcad said:
It drives value down and makes fools of serious collectors.
You mean greedy collectors? So your only a serious collector if you care if the value stays high? Or if the ES is a certain #?
Don't get me wrong I like knowing my items are worth more than what I paid (especially if I fall on hard times and have to sell for whatever reason) and that I'm one of a certain # of collectors to own something. However, I don't look at it as a slap in the face on the ES or if it goes down. I'm more interested in having fantastic items from the best story on the planet. For me personally the only piece I have that I like more than Sauron which has a ES of 9500 is the Original Balrog statue.
It's about the story for me I guess is what I'm saying.
Vizcad said:
I understand Weta had something to do with it...but couldnt Sideshow have interjected or continued on the 1/6th line themself?
They could if someone doesn't own the rights to it but all poly items like that I don't think are really SS main interest.