Jazzinc Dioramas 1/12 1989 Batwing

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I'm sure it is a high number, you don't need to latch onto the 500 units, i just pulled the number out to say the number isnt as high as figures.

But you keep sticking to these it's not as high as needed numbers. For the 1989 1/6 batmobile, Joost was initially looking at 700 units at $1500 a piece for it to be profitable which means covering everything on the payroll. I vaguely remember Joost mentioning needing at least 3 times the amount of 1/6 units for it to be profitable because the earnings are smaller for lesser priced items. If I'm not wrong with what I vaguely recalled then, he would need to sell 2100 units minimum at $500 for the project to even proceed. That 1/10 DeLorean campaign didn't clear 2000 units at $300 a piece if we're only considering the lowest tier. That toy is very detailed with a diecast body. You're going to rely only on the 1/6 crowd when clearly, it was a struggle for them to show up for 250 units at $500 which was unlicensed at that time.
But you keep sticking to these it's not as high as needed numbers. For the 1989 1/6 batmobile, Joost was initially looking at 700 units at $1500 a piece for it to be profitable which means covering everything on the payroll. I vaguely remember Joost mentioning needing at least 3 times the amount of 1/6 units for it to be profitable because the earnings are smaller for lesser priced items. If I'm not wrong with what I vaguely recalled then, he would need to sell 2100 units minimum at $500 for the project to even proceed. That 1/10 DeLorean campaign didn't clear 2000 units at $300 a piece if we're only considering the lowest tier. That toy is very detailed with a diecast body. You're going to rely only on the 1/6 crowd when clearly, it was a struggle for them to show up for 250 units at $500 which was unlicensed at that time.
I get what you’re saying, not disputing that it could need 2100 units sold because that sounds reasonable. But who made the 1/10 Delorean? Do they have the same track record as Jazzinc? We know there’s 2000+ 1989 batmobiles made because someone has a numbered edition plaque over 2000, and that’s their best seller. They’ll struggle to clear at least 2000 orders for a $400-$500 priced Batwing? If they can’t sell that much, then no harm no foul as Joost said.
I get what you’re saying, not disputing that it could need 2100 units sold because that sounds reasonable. But who made the 1/10 Delorean? Do they have the same track record as Jazzinc? We know there’s 2000+ 1989 batmobiles made because someone has a numbered edition plaque over 2000, and that’s their best seller. They’ll struggle to clear at least 2000 orders for a $400-$500 priced Batwing? If they can’t sell that much, then no harm no foul as Joost said.

Tomy. They have more track record than Jazzinc.

You have a solid number from that 2000+ people that bought the 1/6 batmobile that will buy a 1/12 batwing? Or the number of 1/6 batwing owners willing to double dip for a 1/12? That poll has 500 something votes total. Let's say not all 1/6 batmobile owners are there in the group. But how many people are there in the closed group?
Tomy. They have more track record than Jazzinc.

You have a solid number from that 2000+ people that bought the 1/6 batmobile that will buy a 1/12 batwing? Or the number of 1/6 batwing owners willing to double dip for a 1/12? That poll has 500 something votes total. Let's say not all 1/6 batmobile owners are there in the group. But how many people are there in the closed group?
Why are you only saying those who bought the 1/6 89 and 1/6 Batwing, even if none of those buys, there’s still loads more people out there who can spend a few hundred bucks.
what is true is that there are a certain number of 1/6 Batwing often on sale on the FB groups.
Even some 1/6 owners admit that if they had the choice, they would have took the 1/12 route on this specific vehicle.
I don’t remember having heard this about the Batmobile.
Why are you only saying those who bought the 1/6 89 and 1/6 Batwing, even if none of those buys, there’s still loads more people out there who can spend a few hundred bucks.

Because you referenced that number. By your statements, this is more for the 1/6 collectors especially those that missed out on the 1/6 version because of reasons. That's 300 something votes out of how many in the closed group and assuming a lot of those 2000+ buyers are in the group. But if we're not considering them then who else?

My point has been is it is a good idea to have had the poll open to 1/12 collectors because that will bring in more numbers, get a better sense of what is wanted, and spread the word even more. Joost understands the pricing hence he's targeting it at $300. But you're also adamant at your $500 a piece and disregarding the 1/12 collectors. Just to add, if the tariffs from USA push through, there will be likely less collectors from the USA jumping in at $550 starting.

What other vehicles have they done? Were they well made and had positive reviews?

Research that on your own. Tomy is a very big company with a wide portfolio of toys which include include collectible diecast vehicles and Takara/Tomy Transformers. They know their stuff or otherwise they would have gone under years ago.
what is true is that there are a certain number of 1/6 Batwing often on sale on the FB groups.
Even some 1/6 owners admit that if they had the choice, they would have took the 1/12 route on this specific vehicle.

But how many are those? Will that meet the minimum numbers?
Because you referenced that number. By your statements, this is more for the 1/6 collectors especially those that missed out on the 1/6 version because of reasons. That's 300 something votes out of how many in the closed group and assuming a lot of those 2000+ buyers are in the group. But if we're not considering them then who else?

My point has been is it is a good idea to have had the poll open to 1/12 collectors because that will bring in more numbers, get a better sense of what is wanted, and spread the word even more. Joost understands the pricing hence he's targeting it at $300. But you're also adamant at your $500 a piece and disregarding the 1/12 collectors. Just to add, if the tariffs from USA push through, there will be likely less collectors from the USA jumping in at $550 starting.

Research that on your own. Tomy is a very big company with a wide portfolio of toys which include include collectible diecast vehicles and Takara/Tomy Transformers. They know their stuff or otherwise they would have gone under years ago.
I saw Tomys website and the track record you’re speaking of is false and full of hot air because in fact they have no vehicles and no video reviews to the level of Jazzinc. I mean you even said they have more track record than Jazzinc! What an absurd thing to say and it seems you can’t even back that statement up, whereas I could point you to multiple YouTube videos of Jazzinc products.

I’m not adamant it’s $500, I trust Joost when he says it’s around $300, I’m just saying at the worse case scenario at $500, it’s still pretty reasonable. You’re talking all this, but will you even buy one at $300? Will you buy any 1/12 vehicle of theirs at 1/12? I definitely would.

“My point has been is it is a good idea to have had the poll open to 1/12 collectors because that will bring in more numbers, get a better sense of what is wanted, and spread the word even more.”

At the end of the day, it’s Joost business and he knows better than you. It’s that plain and simple.
I saw Tomys website and the track record you’re speaking of is false and full of hot air because in fact they have no vehicles and no video reviews to the level of Jazzinc. I mean you even said they have more track record than Jazzinc! What an absurd thing to say and it seems you can’t even back that statement up, whereas I could point you to multiple YouTube videos of Jazzinc products.

I’m not adamant it’s $500, I trust Joost when he says it’s around $300, I’m just saying at the worse case scenario at $500, it’s still pretty reasonable. You’re talking all this, but will you even buy one at $300? Will you buy any 1/12 vehicle of theirs at 1/12? I definitely would.

“My point has been is it is a good idea to have had the poll open to 1/12 collectors because that will bring in more numbers, get a better sense of what is wanted, and spread the word even more.”

At the end of the day, it’s Joost business and he knows better than you. It’s that plain and simple.

Tomy is a toy company that has been around for decades. You're biased because you want your 1/12 batwing. You just can't be bothered to be factual because of your wants.

I have the 1/6 batwing, the 1/6 2022 batmobile, the 1/6 and 1/12 justice mobile, and soon the 1/6 1989. It's definitely not a question if I'm supporting his products. Do I want to double dip for a 1/12 version? I don't know and that's part of what I'm trying to get at for those that have it in 1/6 already. What have you bought so far?

He knows his business definitely. He also knows he got badly burned on the 1/12 justice mobile. So much that he didn't do a direct offer of the 1/12 batwing. Instead, he is relying on a kickstarter campaign which I don't understand why it is not sinking in your head that the 1/6 community is not enough and has not pulled through with support for his 1/12 product.
Guys it’s time to relax or this thread is going to be locked too I’m afraid…
Personally if it ever see the light of day, it’s an instant buy.
Tomy is a toy company that has been around for decades. You're biased because you want your 1/12 batwing. You just can't be bothered to be factual because of your wants.

I have the 1/6 batwing, the 1/6 2022 batmobile, the 1/6 and 1/12 justice mobile, and soon the 1/6 1989. It's definitely not a question if I'm supporting his products. Do I want to double dip for a 1/12 version? I don't know and that's part of what I'm trying to get at for those that have it in 1/6 already. What have you bought so far?

He knows his business definitely. He also knows he got badly burned on the 1/12 justice mobile. So much that he didn't do a direct offer of the 1/12 batwing. Instead, he is relying on a kickstarter campaign which I don't understand why it is not sinking in your head that the 1/6 community is not enough and has not pulled through with support for his 1/12 product.
1. Tomy don't have the same track record as Jazzinc building high-end vehicles, i thought this was an obvious point. Might as well say Toy R Us have a better track record than Jazzinc.
2. I am being factual and I actually don't want the Batwing in 1/12, I would rather get the 89 Batmobile. And I have some Jazzinc products on order.
3. You say 1/6 community is not enough - I don't know why you are worrying about this. You can't control whether there's enough support behind it.
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1. Tomy don't have the same track record as Jazzinc building high-end vehicles, i thought this was an obvious point. Might as well say Toy R Us have a better track record than Jazzinc.
2. I am being factual and I actually don't want the Batwing in 1/12, I would rather get the 89 Batmobile. And I have some Jazzinc products on order.
3. You say 1/6 community is not enough - I don't know why you are worrying about this. You can't control whether there's enough support behind it.

1. I'm referencing their track record as a toy company making toys. The analogy of toys r us doesn't even make sense as toys r us doesn't make toys. Again, you lost the point of my referencing Tomy. It was the campaign numbers and how its pricing can make or break funding as well as considering the market it is targeted for. The high-end track record you're looking for doesn't even apply to what I was pointing to.

2. It goes to another point of how many are willing to double dip if somebody already has the 1/6 version. You won't. I don't know is my answer. Because if most that have the 1/6 are willing to have both scales, it's good for making the campaign succeed.

3. I say it because that's what Joost has said and experienced first hand. You, on the other hand, are just assuming. I'm not worried about this. I even said earlier the chances are still high for this to happen as long as it is made known outside the 1/6 community. My argument was it would have been better to have the poll opened to the 1/12 collectors as well to really see what would have been preferred. If outside that closed group poll wouldn't go for the batwing, then it doesn't happen and likely Joost won't explore 1/12 options for the time being. I guess I want to see this succeed because it gives incentive for Joost to continue the 1/12 scale. It seems you don't mind which way it goes though.
I even said earlier the chances are still high for this to happen as long as it is made known outside the 1/6 community. My argument was it would have been better to have the poll opened to the 1/12 collectors as well to really see what would have been preferred.
I don’t think the Jazzinc community is exclusively dedicated and closed to 1/6 only.
The pool was opened to anyone no matter scale preferences.
It seems logical to me that he ask to his customer base.
I hope they go with a different weathering pattern for this one. The 1/6 Batwing had those strange t-shaped weathering patterns on it. It would have looked better without that altogether.
I hope they go with a different weathering pattern for this one. The 1/6 Batwing had those strange t-shaped weathering patterns on it. It would have looked better without that altogether.
what do you mean T shape? was that on all of them? I don't think anything will be different.
I see what you mean with the « T ».

I think when the 1/6 Batwing was launched , Joost wasn’t still licensed so maybe he had a very limited access to the material source.
Now maybe it can be different for the 1/12 version.
It would be awesome if he could replicate the paint job of the original studio scale model.


I remember that Toynami made a fantastic job in terms of paint on their 1/8.


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Would Joost make a 1/12th Batman figure? A lot of companies have tried, but nobody has nailed it yet. That rubber monstrosity from Mezco was a crime against collectors.

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