First off I wanted to comment on some of the cool entries instead of searching through quoted posts I'll address a few here:
Darth Magnus: Love the set p with the "table" ttuely amazing looking and captures Alex so well
Chilipep66: That diorama is literally insane even if the contest is not one you have the best Bill the butcher accessory out of anyone.
David Bernard /Blondie It's all ours: amazing shots and diorama, incredible.
TheMadButchure: Classy set up here, very nice!
Snakey: Love the concept here with the life size knife and drink
Finally got my entries up! Unfortunately I was only able to take two new ones due to my time tomorrow I'm booked all day so I had to submit everything today.
I really had wanted to create new moments that captured the essence of the film but felt like something new and never before seen and not just a basic regurgitation/recreation of a specific scene.
Bill The Butcher I shot months ago but I still liked the image, I had something cool planned for him but looking at the complexity of the other two images I think this is a nice balance to it.
Shot digitally, I enhanced the saturation about 30% in Photoshop.
Fight Club, shot digitally, check out my behind the scenes shot to see how I did it. This was pretty ambitious and I couldn't get Tyler in the shot when Edward was focused in the foreground and the non-reflection shot. So I shot the same angle on tripod and super imposed the focuses reversed. Other than that the color and contrast is enhanced and I used a very high ISO so that it had a graininess that felt like Fight Club. I also extended the tiles a bit below the mirror because the black area bugged me. Tha'ts really the extent of the photoshop I took time to set this one up right.
Alex, This is my favorite shot I've ever done and surprisingly very little photoshop. You can see my setup and the Beethoven mural I designed myself. I shot it on a tripod but with a slow shutter speed and low light. Thats what gives it the ghosting effect. Then i just desaturated the film as it looked better in B+W. I thought it looked like a Polaroid so I added just a bit of grain to give it more girt.
I wish I had more time I'd love to spend more time getting everything perfect but I'm glad I had the time to put the effort I did in it.