you don't know what you're talking about. how many world cups does mexico have? actually, how many finals have they even been to? scratch that, how many semifinals have they been to? None. Or to use soccer terms, NIL.

Their only marginal "success" comes from the 2 times they hosted the event.
Like I said, for it being their nations favorite sport, they suck balls. It would be like the US never winning in football or Canada never winning in hockey.
Personally, I love international competition and I wish I could love soccer too, but the game is seriously flawed. The field is way too big. There are probably 2 or 3 too many players per team on the field. And the organizations condone ridiculous antics by players, coaches and fans. Flopping, delays, hooliganism, all the way down to the stupid noise makers the fans are allowed to bring to the game. Its really quite the joke they got going there.
The theory of the game is cool. Just refine it so it isn't 80 minutes of boring ____ in the middle of the field with 10 minutes of actual scoring chances.