2016 Presidential Election Thread

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Mods should have at least give it a legitimate chance instead of jumping to conclusions. I never understood the fearful political talk. I have friends who I disagree with greatly when it comes to politics.... but we are still friends. :dunno

Because this is Dave's website and what he says goes.

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And for the record; I'm voting for King Darkness for Dictator for Life. :lecture :rock
You guys a bunch of scared cat! Here, let Mr. Green start with the right footing:

*Democracy is just as corrupted as other form of government. When a president can fancy himself the leader of the world and start a war based on nothing but lies, it is simply corrupted. What is worse is that the people follow like sheep. 2016 won't be much difference. Hot talks fuel the votes from these mindless people. The trick is to get in the door. We have no control once he is in. Of course he can be a she as in if they can elect a black president, they might be able to elect a woman president. We'll just get more of the same.

*Mr. Green does not endorse the view of other people.
Well that's uh, neat, I guess. Good for you.

There was only one thing I cared about when I was 20 and wasn't no prequels or political ****. Well, maybe two things.

Im 21 and I care about a lot more mature ****. I have 30 to 40 year old friends who I converse with daily. And those 2 things I guess are good as mine, pu**y and eating. :lol
You're thinking of the legislative election. The presidential election will be in January 2106.

Ah, my mistake. I read something earlier about it, few months ago, must have been that. I wonder if that Maria girl will win. She ran the socialist party for Portugal. Would be the first female president for Portugal to. That is all I really know though about it.

So, we can talk about the Portuguese Presidential Election but not the American? Interesting.
It's because nobody cares about the American presidential election except a few people in Iowa. I don't think anyone outside of the US even knows who the current president is (unless they've seen the Terminator movies).
Well that's uh, neat, I guess. Good for you.

There was only one thing I cared about when I was 20 and wasn't no prequels or political ****. Well, maybe two things.

Hey, I resent that sir! As a proud toddler of three years, I have had an extensive and rewarding political career.

Down with age discrimination!
Hey, I resent that sir! As a proud toddler of three years, I have had an extensive and rewarding political career.

Down with age discrimination!

There actually is age discrimination in this country. Happens all the time at all levels. Must be 35 years old to run for President. Age 14 to work. Teachers dismissing students or ignoring them when a student proves them wrong (happened to me a few times). Adults valuing the opinion of those same age and devaluing the opinion of those younger. Following a group of kids around in the mall, but not a group of adults. I can go on. You see it all the time.
Ah, my mistake. I read something earlier about it, few months ago, must have been that. I wonder if that Maria girl will win. She ran the socialist party for Portugal. Would be the first female president for Portugal to. That is all I really know though about it.

So, we can talk about the Portuguese Presidential Election but not the American? Interesting.

You're a big guy