I didn't say all humans suck, but generally speaking, it's always the rotten ones that stick out like sore thumbs. We never hear about the good ones. Simple case in point are the few acts of violence against black ppl that get blown up in the media to degrade cops, but then we never hear about the thousands of good deeds cops do. I know that's the way media is, but why is it that ppl are only interested in the negativity and violence? If people are generally good, why does the general public care more about all the rotten stuff in media as opposed to all the good things going on in the world.
One would think if as a American culture, we focused more on only the good stories in media, there would be a better overall morale in this world. Violence, sex, drugs sell for whatever reason, so that stems back to my original comment that in a general sense, people do suck. Our culture is to blame for that imo.
I know that didn't really answer your question, but that's what my previous post meant.