I didn't even realize Monday was a 2-parter until I saw a blurb on EW's website. It was spoiled a little bit for me, but I wasn't expecting that ending. Kudos to the writers for doing the unexpected. . . for once.
So now, if you will indulge me. I've fanfic'd my desired ending for this series.
Dana Walsh blows the lid open on the entire conspiracy. As we've seen, she's hiding something, and as hinted by the foreign (Russian?) dignitary, Prez Taylor suspects there are other players in this peace agreement conspiring against her. Dana Walsh reveals to Jack Bauer that there is a Conglomerate (Bluetooth Mafia from S5) of ridiculously wealthy and powerful people who have been organizing and funding terorists and government uprisings, manipulating political leaders, all to further their own malevolent agendas.
Jack finds out that it was this Congolmerate that hired Nina and is ultimately responsible for killing his wife Teri. Jack goes all Mission Impossible style and recruits Aaron Pierce, Chase Edmunds and Renee, to seek out and destroy this Conglomerate. They track down Mandy who leads them to the Conglomerate where Jack finds his father, and Alan Wilson, Alexander Trepkos (and all the other minor characters from the conspiracy that have popped up over the last 8 seasons).
Oh yeah, and mind you, Season 8 ends with the reveal of the Conglomerate. 24: The Motion Picture starts with the recruiting of the team.
Bonus points to the writing crew if they can successfully pull off that Jack Bauer went crazy with grief at the end of Season 1 and in the down-time has been training people how to be moles and infiltrate CTU thereby constantly creating situations to distract Jack from his grief.
Mostly, I just want them to retcon a reason as to why it's so easy to infiltrate CTU. And I want them to bring all the characters back and follow through on the Bluetooth Mafia and all these arms dealers plot-threads they've left hanging over the years.