I stand by my 'if it dies, it dies' philosophy. Petition not signed
All these guys look like big babies, especially that dude on JediTempleArchives pushing the whole #fightforTVC nonsense.
Alot of these people were kids of the 80s and are now pushing their late 40s and 50s, so when you think about it, they've been surrounded by 3 3/4 Star Wars their entire lives. They have never grownup. Most have had revival "second childhods" 4 or 5 times over now. Grow the **** up already. As far as toys have gone, collectors have had it MADE.
Star Wars - 1978/1979
The Empire Strikes Back - 1980-1982
Return of the Jedi - 1983-1984
Power of the Jedi - 1985
Droids -1985-1986
Ewoks -1985-1986
POTF2 (red) 1995-1997
POTF2 (green) 1997-1999
POTF2 (SOTE/EU) 1998
Episode 1 - 1999 -2001
Power of the Jedi - 2001-2002
Saga - 2002 - 2004
Clone Wars (realistic) - 2003-2004
Clone Wars (animated) - 2003-2004
The Original Trilogy Collection - 2004
VOTC - 2004
Revenge of the Sith - 2005-2006
The Saga Collection - 2006
VTSC - 2006
30th Anniversary Collection - 2007
TAC - 2008
Clone Wars (animated 3D) - 2008
The Legacy Collection - 2008-2010
The Vintage Collection - 2010 - 2013
Black Series 3 3/4 - 2013
Star Wars Rebels - 2014
The Force Awakens - 2015
Rogue One - 2016
The Last Jedi - 2017
Solo -2018
The Vintage Collection II - 2015-2020
Retro Collection - 2019 - 2020
Each year had a healthy assortment of toys to choose from. It's been a good run. Think about it, Star Wars toys have existed for 42 years. Of those 42 years there have been figures, vehicles and playsets
every year save for a small, 10 year gap between 1986 and 1994. No other brand or property can boast about that. The sheer variety is astounding. Collectors and fans got their Vader with a removable helmet, Tarkin, Sandtrooper, Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, Han Solo in stormtrooper disguise, EU figures based on a variety of cool games, books and comics, Admiral Motti, Porkins, Ephant Man, Mcquarrie Concept figures, dozens of obscure Cantina patrons and Jabba's Palace denizens and multiple revivals of both premium figures and retro figures put on vintage cardbacks.
Go through an archival site like Rebelscum, Jeditemple and Jedibusiness and look through all those different lines over the years. It's really amazing and impressive what Kenner/Hasbro have done.
Enjoy what you have. These people don't realize how good they have it. I see people with these massive collections that are so impresive and these people still obnoxiously shout for "MOAR". These are obsessive compulsive people that will never be satisfied. In 1999 they were buying up every Commtech Stormtrooper they saw, complaining to Hasbro that they're not making enough and today, in 2020, they're buying up all the TVC Rogue One Stormtroopers, complaining to Hasbro that they're not making enough. It's a sickness. There have been hundreds of different figures of Darth Vader, Luke, Han, Boba Fett, Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, Jango Fett and Anakin and people are still crying for "the perfect representation of _____ on a vintage cardback!".
These people are lunatics. They've got great toys like the Big Millennium Falcon, Big AT-AT, dozens of X-Wings, Tie Fighters and speeders, thousands of figures and the FRIGGIN SAIL BARGE and they're still begging for "anotha Death Star Playset", "anotha Jabba's Palace playset", "anotha Cloud City/Bespin Freezing champer playset" that they don't even have anymore room for.
You know the fun is over when people are asking Hasbro for Sim Aloo in TVC. Imperial Dignitary was the death knell for Star Wars toys in the mid 80s. I guess it would be fitting if he were the last "modern" toy for them to make before this thing dies for good.