I am jealous. I got screwed by an ebayer, trying to buy the single language stormie.
This has got to be some of the greatest man baby sooking in some time. [...]
But I agree, this is a real slap in the face to Hasbro. This set and Leia are a fantastic bone they threw us and these guys just spit in their face for the effort. I?ve realized with slowly building up barge Characters that we aren?t going to get full sets of anything anytime soon. Hasbro purposely spreads things out for balance. Collecting takes time and I?m ok with that. We can?t have everything now.
This has got to be some of the greatest man baby sooking in some time. JTA have long been the leaders in self entitlement and claiming to be the authority on what Star Wars toy collecting should be but this is one of their best efforts.
No wonder Hasbro can't be bothered putting so much effort into the VTC when you get this kind of instant feedback.
Yeah but thats just JTA lol. Disney has them blacklisted, and by extension Hasbro, so I wouldn't worry about their toxicity too much
Did they get blacklisted? I didn't know that, well that makes my day. He brought back TVC in 2018 all on his own did you know?
As much as I love toys and SW there is always part of me that is happy when Hasbro doesn't deliver as Paul Harrison thinks they should. His tantrums and outbursts are always fun to see.