These are back up for preorder on Ordered two. Hopefully at least one comes on a decent card.
I love that it comes with a removable helmet but I'm glad he has the helmet on while carded.
These are back up for preorder on Ordered two. Hopefully at least one comes on a decent card.
I love that it comes with a removable helmet but I'm glad he has the helmet on while carded.
These are back up for preorder on Ordered two. Hopefully at least one comes on a decent card.
I love that it comes with a removable helmet but I'm glad he has the helmet on while carded.
It really does look much better on the card with the helmet on. I'm surprised you haven't ordered the RC? It looks pretty incredible all painted up, I'm surprised there isn't more gushing here and elsewhere on the internet about how great it looks.
Yep the Haslab RC is spectacular and honestly as about as good as I could have possibly hoped. Seeing it all painted with Mando and TC posed next to it showed what an awesome display piece this will be. I can easily see myself pulling the trigger. Will we still be able to preorder after the holidays? Did they say whether the exclusive Mando figure will come on its own card like The Child?
I don't think they have specifically stated whether or not the exclusive Mando comes on a card. The new promo video of the painted RC does show the unlocked Child figure on card, but no such extravagance for Mando which leads me to believe no card.
Hasbro is very specific about their cut-off date being 12 midnight eastern time on November 9th so be sure to order before then if you want it. The painted proto does seem to have generated a good push in sales toward 13k and the carbonite blocks, only about 300 more orders needed to hit goal.
If you only have room for one big ship sorry RC but the MF easily wins.
If you only have room for one big ship sorry RC but the MF easily wins.
If you only have room for one big ship sorry RC but the MF easily wins.
Nowhere to display this but feel like I'd regret not grabbing it, pretty amazing package they put together.
We're about to hit 13k backers. Looks like theres a 4th and 5th unlock now too?