Hey if Disney wants to have a black female lead named sister being accused by the head inquisitor that she is angry and screaming befitting of her gutter origins (Disney words not mine) then more power to them i’ll just sit back and enjoy the lulz.
Her arc will be one where she will either be redeemed like a Disney Store
gift card and live or redeemed but still murdered by Vader.
I prefer the latter.
I am curious of her backstory (Jedi temple?).
I personally don’t have a problem with her character she performed adequately enough to convey her hatred and hope of pleasing Vader which will make her death that much more ironic and thematically rewarding to watch in the service of making Vader more bad ***.
Again if her sole purpose is to only make Vader more bad *** then i’m fully onboard.
But if her sole purpose is for political statements you know like maybe a white inquisitor lecturing a black inquisitor that:
“It will not change what you are!”
She asks “And what is that?”
He answers with “THE LEAST OF US!” “You came to us from the gutter!” and then ends with “ALL THE POWER IN THE WORLD CAN’T MASK THE STENCH BENEATH!”
To which she responds back with “MAYBE THAT STENCH IS YOUR FAILURE!”
Insert jye eye roll!
Great thank you Disney for an on the nose racial debate between sith villains which was not needed.
If he is bothered by her “stench” why did he even bring her along it made no narrative sense.
Ughh whatever.
Anyways back to her arc.
Now if she gets redeemed and lives which I think is the more likely scenario then meh.
I hope she bites it by Vader even if redeemed lol