Super Freak
Yeah it drives me nuts its may 1st and they haven't bothered to address MC nor answer any questions
Yeah it drives me nuts its may 1st and they haven't bothered to address MC nor answer any questions
lol they are more than likely too busy with the Thailand show thats happening now.
Sometimes I wonder what ThreeA's business model is. I feel like they care more about these obscure figures more than what would seem like their bread and butter. (Which is major titles)
That's true for this week, but what about the past 3 months...just bugs me lol
I'm still surprised that two Halo pre-orders took place so close to each other last year. I'm still disappointed with their Master Chief, he is the protagonist of the whole franchise, they had a great opportunity to offer a super set with him but they merely offered an extra weapon, how weird that with Carter, Emile and Thorne they offered complete repaints and even exclusive weapons with one release. With that said, I still regret not getting the Spartan Recruit and the EVA exclusive, such awesome pieces those are.
Yup, 3A gives a lot of focus to Ash creations which I don't mint since I have acquired a taste for some characters and releases of the artist...except for the dolls, I'm in no way against female character releases, the more the merrier! But I want action figures like the upcoming Sawyer by Crystal Jade Vaughan not fashion dolls like their pascha -_-
Well hopefully MC comes out this month and isn't "conveniently" pushed back to coincide with Halo 5's release...
They responded to my email about John and said he'll be shipping in JUNE OR JULY. Late april huh.................
Update from 3A Q&A (Newsletter)
Q: What’s next for HALO? The Jorge proto at SDCC looked ****ing beastly!
Ash: Need to ship Master Chief and co first, clear the decks and figure it out, I want the Elite!
What does "co" mean? Do you guys think they fixed any issues or they're just taking their sweet time?