I am soooo jazzed by this figure!! I had planned to buy a second Utapu Clone to convert to the 41st Elite. Now, it's coming!!
I can't wait!!
Of course, I am biased. You see, the 41st Elite on Coruscant is what my 1/1 armor is based on...
Since these pics were taken, I've gotten better boots, sold off the toooooo frickin long to carry around DC-15L and got a nice DC-15 short.
Of course, I am biased. You see, the 41st Elite on Coruscant is what my 1/1 armor is based on...
Thanks much guys! The armor is a blast to troop in! I'm going to be soon working on a Commander version- I've got already the pauldron, just need to paint it, re-paint another helmet, then do the kama, pistols, holsters, etc. Then I can swap it out from Trooper to Commander.
Still trying to decide on a paint scheme for the Commander helmet. There isn't a "official" pic of a 41st Elite Commander, so I've got some leeway to be creative. White and Grey natch, thinking of basing it on the paint scheme of Bly- I like it's design and think it might look pretty good in white/grey. If I had some photoshop skillz, I'd try it out and see before I start painting...
Will I be able to resist the urge to get a second Sideshow 41st trooper to convert into my Commander?
Doubt it.
how's this?
Holy Sheee-it!!!! That's it!!! AWESOME!!
Thank you soooooo much!!! Right on!! I really appreciate it!
I will post pics of my finished work- it'll probably be depending how well the paint cures in this 40-50 degree weather we have now as to how soon I can get it finished. Need to get just a few parts- pistols and the mic tips on the helmet.
Damn, I am so stoked! Thank you very much for the photoshopped pic bro!!!!
you're quite welcome! I give out free photoshops to a whole bunch of people on these forums. Someone needs a photoshop, I usually whip one up. If someone does their lightsaber effects wrong, I usually fix em. Someone takes a pic of their 1/6 starwars figure under intense light in front of a computer screen background, usually fix that too!
Glad I could help! Now get to work, Commander Hollis!
For the price of these, I would much rather see an ARC type trooper, with more accessories, than yet another repaint.