442 Siege Battalion - Green Clone Trooper

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Those colour bits only have one aim: Show subtle differences to multiply possible sales.
Good ol' OT, every trooper looked different: Snowie, Scout, Stormie ... aaw!
Those colour bits only have one aim: Show subtle differences to multiply possible sales.
Good ol' OT, every trooper looked different: Snowie, Scout, Stormie ... aaw!

Whaa?, there are more variations of gear for Clone troopers compared to any Imperial troops in the OT.
You are right: Various colours or some sort of bullet pockets, additional helmet tools or kilts produce a lot of variants, but I liked the idea of a completely different unique armour like in the OT. Apart from the Sandies that use a different weapon and have those orange pauldrons, every OT trooper is very unique. That's what I am missing.

Of course I know why there are only little variations among those clones: It's the first generations of clone warriors and they are still testing their abilitites and armory in different worlds by just adding stuff. The OT troopers are the evolutionary outcome plus there a mixture of clones and humans ...
And I see that it is easy for Sideshow to make cash with investing little time doing the clone variations, that's a comprehensible way of business.

Still we lack a good Snowie or a Biker Scout today, without heavy rework those HASBRO dudes cannot satisfy at all.
YAY...The 442nd troops arrived this week! May take a day or two to get everyone unpacked.

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Yes...well there is One Red Captain in there somewhere...
....working on the new cases for them....will post army shots soon....
YAY...The 442nd troops arrived this week! May take a day or two to get everyone unpacked.


I am very glad to see that you got so many. Did you have to get permission for that? I thought the limit was 6.

The one thing that makes me mad about this...is that whenever I order more than one figure from Sideshow, they remove them from these individual mailer boxes and mail them together in a single box.
....they aren't from Sideshow direct, they came from online seller...

...there is no exclusive....

...the 'case' of dozen troopers actually came in smailler diffferent boxes that would not work to ship individually.....
....they aren't from Sideshow direct, they came from online seller...

...there is no exclusive....

...the 'case' of dozen troopers actually came in smailler diffferent boxes that would not work to ship individually.....

That makes me feel a little better. Thanks. :)