50 Reasons Wht "Jedi" Sucks

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Or, if you want to be cheap about it, you could say the Sail Bardge somehow killed the Sarlacc, allowing all of its prey to emrge. However, since im sure theres Acid in there, most of them would die do to burns....ah but who didnt forget to wear armor today? Yes.

Argh, said Id let it go but I can't. Fett was mostly in just a flightsuit. The armor was segmented and if someone like Kithba (the vintage Barada figure for reference) would have had burns at the very LEAST Fett would have burns all over his legs, arms, probably feet, basically anywhere the armor wasn't which includes his hands.
Wow...your movie hasn't been made yet and it sucks.


Not like its any worse then the PT. And that is the whole hearted truth.

You know what? I dont give a ^^^^ WHO the character is, I want to see something NEW from Star Wars rather then the same old boring Jedi ^^^^. Give me something NEW.
Argh, said Id let it go but I can't. Fett was mostly in just a flightsuit. The armor was segmented and if someone like Kithba (the vintage Barada figure for reference) would have had burns at the very LEAST Fett would have burns all over his legs, arms, probably feet, basically anywhere the armor wasn't which includes his hands.

Truth. However, it wouldnt be as bad as those without armor on. Ya dig?

I'll write some lame script, mabye shoot some really tacky lowbudget fan film, get it outta my system. It will be fun. I would love to just see some other parts of the SW universe.
Not like its any worse then the PT. And that is the whole hearted truth.

You know what? I dont give a ^^^^ WHO the character is, I want to see something NEW from Star Wars rather then the same old boring Jedi ^^^^. Give me something NEW.

So wait for the TV Series.

But some people DID, in fact, enjoy the PT. I actually wish it had MORE political moments by Palpatine AND the Jedi. I think the major problem with the PT is that it tried to duplicate the OT in far too many ways which, in turn, created plot holes, errors and just an overall mad momentum.

Just look at TPM:
Obi Wan - Luke
Qui Gon - Old Ben
Padme - Leia
Jar Jar - Chewie
The droids - the droids (trying to replicate the story teller POV from ANH/Hidden Fortress)
Ric Olie - Han Solo (before being dropped)

I think the problem is that Lucas had many GOOD ideas that got bogged down by trying to tell them all. A few more rewrites and he may have gotten it right, might not. But hindsight is always 20/20 but it is, without a doubt, at it's core, Star Wars. That's why with these lists it's always funny because everyone has THEIR idea of Star Wars and it's always wrong because Star Wars is not, never was, and never will be YOUR idea or YOUR vision but it is that of Lucas and for better or worse it's something you need to accept. Not agree with, but accept.
Whatever. Give me something new is all I ask. Done. Bye. I can tell this will go staight into flame war territory.
For the most part it's a great list and highlights Jedi's many flaws and the beginning of kiddy-izing SW. That being said, Jedi is a billion times better than the embarrassing PT.
How old is this list? It talks about laserdisc and videotape. :lol

This list is actually old. It was originally published in The Unauthorized Star Wars Compendium in 1999. I've got a copy of the book - it was given to me as a gift that year. I thought this list sounded familiar and checked my copy of the book. It also states at the top of the article that it is form the compendium.
That list was awful.

The only thing more stupid than the ^^^^ he wrote is me for reading all 50.
Eh, I won't say the list doesn't have some valid points, but the author comes off as a jerk who has forgotten what it was like to watch Jedi as a kid. I mean, dissing Jabba and Yoda?
Everyone is calling the author names but no one is refuting his reasoning... which i'm sure could be done. i mean, to actually discuss it
I'm not sure there is a lot of reasoning there. It's mostly opinion (e.g. "ewoks suck" "Jabba looked fake" "the dialog was unnatural sounding") and that's hard to argue against logically. And many of his points aren't wrong per se -- I agree with more of them than I disagree with. And yet my opinion of the film is entirely different.

As a side note, this was obviously written well before the prequels. I'd be interested to hear what the author would have to say about them, and about Jedi in light of the prequels.
Jeez, did people just decide to all of a sudden stop actually liking these movies. I mean when I watch a movie and enjoy it I try not to come up with a list of things that suck about it. I might have a few things that bother me when I see it, but then I ignore them and enjoy the rest of the movie.
There are things in every movie that suck to someone. But these items do not make the movie suck to me. It was agreat movie that had a few parts that sucked.

Just another fan boy that wants to whine about Lucas. I read the list and this is the face I was making most of the time: :rolleyes: Boba Fett's death WAS the best ever and yes, he IS dead.

Boba Fett didn't die. Check out the "Tales" books.
Jeez, did people just decide to all of a sudden stop actually liking these movies. I mean when I watch a movie and enjoy it I try not to come up with a list of things that suck about it. I might have a few things that bother me when I see it, but then I ignore them and enjoy the rest of the movie.

I don't try to ignore the flaws, and, for me at least, doing so is a mistake. I enjoy analyzing what works and what doesn't in a given piece of art. Acknowledging the flaws does not detract from the experience for me, but rather adds a new layer of discovery. In fact, it's fun and rewarding and keeps me sharp in separating "good" from "great" and helps in creating my own artwork. Is Jedi the weakest of the OT? yes. Do its strengths out number its weaknesses? yes. Is it still a heck of a lot of fun despite the flaws? yes.
I just don't put much thought in to movies, pretty much they entertain me or they don't. Well there are levels of entertainment of course. And sometimes it changes, may be entertaining the first time or two but loses value on repeat viewing.
I enjoy dissecting all art I see, both high art and low art - painting, sculpture, dance, commercials, movies, tv, novels, etc. I know a lot of people are content with a simple "it's cool" or "it sucks" but I very much want to know why.
There are things in every movie that suck to someone. But these items do not make the movie suck to me. It was agreat movie that had a few parts that sucked.

Boba Fett didn't die. Check out the "Tales" books.

And it goes on...and oooooon! Watching the river run....

Yeah. I belive that too. But alas, not many others do. Ah well.