thankya philyeah, i vaguely remember the days when wrestling was awesome - too bad it's gone to pot. i sporadically watch mexican and japanese wrestling these days, but will always hold the WCW/WWE wars near and dear to my heart
i'll post some more pics tomorrow - i chose to rework this a bit since my last posting of it.
So happy to see randy painted up! Looks great!
Great work on The Taxman David!
recieved my package daveblown away bro. will post some pics when i get my coveralls delivered. much apreciated bro
pleasure doing buisness with you bud. i will be sure to do some more
Snap into a Slim Jim! Macho looks great.
sent from The Leaky Cauldron
Macho Man looks awesome, love the intensity you gave him
Rust looks like he's seen some ****.
Randy looks amazing David, couldn't be happier with him!
Randy and taxman are off the hook. Amazing as usual.