Punishers are fun to build and, in my opinion, always look cool on a shelf. Who doesn't love a grim, determined, heavily-armed guy with a skull on his t-shirt. Plus if you check all those boxes no one can tell you you did it wrong.
When Frank Castle first appeared on the scene he was a Viet Nam war vet who went on a rampage against the mob after his family was killed in Central Park. But as they always seem to do Marvel continually ret-cons him into later and later wars to keep him young and virile. But as someone rapidly approaching 50 who isn't ready to curl up and die I wanted to do a version who was a Viet Nam war vet you was still tough enough to kick butt and take names in 2013. So I settled on this Liam Neeson head which (I think the general consensus was when it came out) doesn't look all that much like Neeson but does look old and grim and gritty and built a Punisher underneath it-again playing with the classic black and white look.
And this is just the Punisher I showed a couple of weeks ago with a new ACI Gladiator head. I have plans to weather and bloody it up a some point in the, hopefully, not too distant future.
When Frank Castle first appeared on the scene he was a Viet Nam war vet who went on a rampage against the mob after his family was killed in Central Park. But as they always seem to do Marvel continually ret-cons him into later and later wars to keep him young and virile. But as someone rapidly approaching 50 who isn't ready to curl up and die I wanted to do a version who was a Viet Nam war vet you was still tough enough to kick butt and take names in 2013. So I settled on this Liam Neeson head which (I think the general consensus was when it came out) doesn't look all that much like Neeson but does look old and grim and gritty and built a Punisher underneath it-again playing with the classic black and white look.

And this is just the Punisher I showed a couple of weeks ago with a new ACI Gladiator head. I have plans to weather and bloody it up a some point in the, hopefully, not too distant future.