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Would anybody else like to see some HT Coen brothers True Grit action?They've already got a nice Jeff Bridges sculpt.On that note I wouldn't mind an M Icon John Wayne either,but on the subject of Bridges,would anyone else like to see his dudeness complete with shades,briefcase,white russian,and toe?
Would anybody else like to see some HT Coen brothers True Grit action?They've already got a nice Jeff Bridges sculpt.On that note I wouldn't mind an M Icon John Wayne either,but on the subject of Bridges,would anyone else like to see his dudeness complete with shades,briefcase,white russian,and toe?

I would abide this.
I thought there was a thread about problems with the HT website, but I can't find it.
Anyway, for those interested I'm told the bugs have been ironed out and the site should be clean and fine to use again now-
https://www.hottoys.com.hk/ :hi5:
There is still an infection/exploit on HT's site. My anti-virus caught two.

Exploit: Java/CVE-2010-0840.Z
Exploit: Java/Midesq.A

Category: Exploit

Description: This program is dangerous and exploits the computer on which it is run.

Recommendation: Remove this software immediately.
I noticed something was wrong with Hot Toys website last month when I tried to access it. My web browser threw up a warning message before it even would let me connect to the the HT site. But whatever viral exploit the site had at the time didn't affect my Mac. I connected with my Mac to HT's site today with no viral warning message this time.
I remember visiting the HT site from work. They must have some crappy anti-virus programs cause a "virus-scanner" immediately installed itself giving pop-ups and what not. So I was told by the IT department here to log off, not to log on onto any other computer in case of spreading the infection, and just wait till the next day for them to fix it. So I went home early :D

This happened on the second day of work btw :lol :monkey3
Got my two week holiday starting next week, i might head up to Ikea and get myself a 3rd detolf, the collection is starting to overflow:horror
Got my two week holiday starting next week, i might head up to Ikea and get myself a 3rd detolf, the collection is starting to overflow:horror

Nice, dude!!! :rock
How many figs do you have then?

What do you guys have coming in soon? The only fig I have on pre-order at the moment is Thor.
But I'm pretty sure I want to get Cap as well, plus I'm really looking forward to see the DX Jack Sparrow! :rock
What do you guys have coming in soon? The only fig I have on pre-order at the moment is Thor.
But I'm pretty sure I want to get Cap as well, plus I'm really looking forward to see the DX Jack Sparrow! :rock[/QUOTE]

I've got Mk VI which I should get any time now, Thor, Spiderman, Ghost Rider, Tracker, Sam Flynn (I think the bike looks awesome) & Indy Dx (ha, wait for the why replys on that one) I'm waiting to order Superman, Batman & Joker'89, Cap America & probably Jack Sparrow. Will definitely be ordering anything Avatar & Iron Monger if they ever happen. It's when you write it down you realise how dam expensive this hobby is & that's without adding my new addiction to 3A :horror
I've got Mk VI which I should get any time now, Thor, Spiderman, Ghost Rider, Tracker, Sam Flynn (I think the bike looks awesome) & Indy Dx (ha, wait for the why replys on that one) I'm waiting to order Superman, Batman & Joker'89, Cap America & probably Jack Sparrow. Will definitely be ordering anything Avatar & Iron Monger if they ever happen. It's when you write it down you realise how dam expensive this hobby is & that's without adding my new addiction to 3A :horror

:lol I'd almost forget, I have the Lightcycle on PO as well. But right now, I don't think I'll be getting it. I decided to keep my PO for when the first in hand pics will become available. Should I really like it then, I'll keep the PO if I'm able to afford it.