A New Hope Han!!!!

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Sorry dude, ANH Jabba would be an extreme waste of time and money on all involved.

Both the original SE and DVD SE versions look atrocious.

There are other oversized/abnormal sculpts to go to instead. I'd take a Dexter before a SE Jabba.

Maybe if we're lucky we could get this Jabba.:D

Well, I decided not to wade through endless posts of "this sucks" or "easy pass" and just say I love it. It looks like Han Solo. It will be added to my collection. Dec 14th can't come quick enough!
Nice job Sideshow!
just heard the news...

I worried when I saw the tiny pic in the newsletter, but then I clicked on the preview...

All I can say is COOL...

He looks great...I wonder what he'll come with...
This is an awesome sculpt!! Something seriously wrong with the painted eyes though.

Check the sculpt minus the eyes. Spot on Sideshow and Trevor!! :rock:rock

Well compared to the last attempt at Han, this looks so much better. Not sure why so many people are complaining?

I also dont understand the hate for the first Han. I think Bespin Han looks great. This one im not feeling it so much. I really hope its the paint job and not the sculpt. Im still buying this one, if at least I can swap out the head with a Bespin Han head.
I also dont understand the hate for the first Han. I think Bespin Han looks great. This one im not feeling it so much. I really hope its the paint job and not the sculpt. Im still buying this one, if at least I can swap out the head with a Bespin Han head.

Yeah,I guess it's great if your into Hasblow.:lol
Well compared to the last attempt at Han, this looks so much better. Not sure why so many people are complaining?

Because if some people didn't complain or find fault they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

In this day and age the collector is spoiled with riches in terms of the quality of products out there--- I think the people who were collecting in the late 70's and through the 80's might understand it better what a lucky period we're in...

Companies are making fantastic representations of our beloved (and hated) characters--- Are they a perfect representation? No, perfection my friends (as Sir Gawain discovered) is quite unattainable. Can we suggest improvements? Always, and many of the talented people on this very site have demonstrated how that can be done. Should we drink the Kool-Aid and gush at every announcement? No... but should we also yell out in disgust at every announement? Certainly not.

Critical discussion and thought are great points of dialogue-- but let's finish with the beating of the dead horse and rehashing the same arguments every time a new product is announced-- instead, and here's a wild thought, let's take a moment to realize how lucky we are as collectors for what's out there (and on the way).

This Han looks great. Do I want a Vader, Chewie, droids, stormtroopers..etc from SIDESHOW? Definitely. Can I wait patiently? Yes... cause I've lived through the drought and now my friends it's feasting over the famine.

But enough :lecture of that crap--- wouldn't a 1/6 Millenium c-o-c-k-p-i-t announcement (with the four chairs and working lights) next year to coincide with a Chewbacca pre-order be a phenomenal way to kick this line into (excuse the pun) hyperdrive a la Jabba's Throne?
Great job Sideshow!!! I like it. I'm gonna get it. And that's all I have to say on the matter. Anyone who has anything negative to say is WEAK SAUCE!!!:emperor
Didn't see it mentioned in the 200+ posts I just had to wade through....

But I think the likeness is off due to the eye color. Like they did with the Bespin Han preview, his eyes are the wrong color. Ford's eyes are NOT blue. :lol

Other than that, I think its a great figure. I'm there at PPO. :rock
I think the ceremony Han for SDCC next year is a good guess but I have to agree with what people have said earlier in that the

That would be a pretty good guess actually. Something simple and something people can skip if they so choose.

Why because,Im critical thinker,and dont conform to the majority of the StarWars forums beliefs.:confused:

I wouldn't call you a critical thinking. :lol

A lot of what I say can be backed up,but not in this forum,because this forum is extremly bias when it comes to StarWars.If you go over to Statue Forum or MediWorld most of those guys agree with what I'm saying,and will post simmilar comments.

A lot of what you say is your two cents and cannot be backed up. If you think those two boards are gonna help give your opinion credence then you really don't get it. Those two boards pretty much are not the greatest examples.

I understand that this is an SS driven forum,but dont be afraid to say you dont like something or that you disagree with the companies decision just because it is a SS driven forum.Oh and BTW,I'm not a troll.

If you want honest opinions of SS this is the board to be at. Oh and BTW, You ARE a Troll.
I have to agree, I would much prefer to have Dexter than ANH Jabba...those digital effects ruin the special editions for me. The more I see the retouched photos, the more I see the likeness, especially with a little more realistic lighting. I am so happy to be getting this one. Is it perfect? Nope, but it is a really nice toy, and will make a great addition to my collection!
Looks better than the first, but I already have a Han. I may pick this up when it's 50% off in a year :monkey1
That would be a pretty good guess actually. Something simple and something people can skip if they so choose.

I wouldn't call you a critical thinking. :lol

A lot of what you say is your two cents and cannot be backed up. If you think those two boards are gonna help give your opinion credence then you really don't get it. Those two boards pretty much are not the greatest examples.

If you want honest opinions of SS this is the board to be at. Oh and BTW, You ARE a Troll.

I would'nt expect anything less from you Josh.Your always there to counter all my comments even if your doing it from a very bias standpoint.:rolleyes: