Wonder if SS makes some new boots and if we get flight gloves.
We were talking earlier that the gloved hands would be a possible good exclusive.
Wonder if SS makes some new boots and if we get flight gloves.
Can someone just explain to me how this is, in any way, good at all? This is a horrible, laughable, overpriced toy.
Can someone just explain to me how this is, in any way, good at all? This is a horrible, laughable, overpriced toy.
Can someone just explain to me how to go pee without backsplash?
Can someone just explain to me how this is, in any way, good at all? This is a horrible, laughable, overpriced toy.
Hey, guys, just felt the need to chime in....
I've seen the unpainted headsculpt of the 12" ANH, and it's one of the best Harrison Ford likenesses ever... I think it's just a matter of the paintjob gently pushing the likeness away from Ford, as opposed to closer.
I did a quick digital repaint in Photoshop, fixing the things that I will fix when I get this figure....
1. Hair needs to be lighter, more of a chestnut color...
2. Skin tone needs to be that Southern California/Mos Eisley tan...
3. Eyebrows need to be a little more subtle
4. Eyes need to be darker. Even though Ford has non-brown eyes, his eyes are recessed so far under his brow that they are always in shadow. Darker color makes it 'feel' more Fordy...
This is not meant to be perfect, it's just a quick 10-minute PS job, but I did it to show everyone that the sculpt is actually pretty damn amazing.
I think SS is doing a sweet job! Yay for toys!
Why is it that SS insists on making Han and Leia have black hair?