A New Hope Han!!!!

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Good paint can save or ruin a figure. If anybody has had to learn this the hard way, it's me. For almost a year I waited for Faramir, more than anybody could understand. And this is what I got (photo courtesy of Darth Cruel)


Sad huh? It would have killed me if I hadn't seen Les turn it into this:


Tell me paint doesn't make a difference. :cool:
I certainly do sew dolly clothes. And dang proud. I'm also a strong advocate of constructive critique and courteous conversation. I was simply making a point with my comment. :D
I think your point was perfectly valid, it's just people here can be kind of jumpy. And you sew clothing? So do I! My dad does professional costume work in addition to his acting, so I grew up around fabrics, machines, and needle-work. Over the holidays I'm gonna be working on all kinds of things, so I'd love to get your opinions on them when I start the work!
I'm really wondering if the regular images might even look better, nevermind the paint apps. Look how different, especially the eyes, the paint job looks in the two images, the regular shot was photoshopped into the preview image and some color and lighting changes had to be done on it because they're not identical.

The eyebrows and eyes were redone after the 'complaining'. :D
awesome...I like to lurk around the customs thread mostly. I pop in the various other threads to gather the general reaction to a product from time to time and offer help or advice where its accepted. I'm excited to see your Boromir Cloak when finished (but I'll save that for another thread).

now back to your regularly scheduled thread...
Just to reinforce the above - I've mentioned many times that everyone is welcome to express their opinion, but how it is expressed is very important.

Saying someone should be fired, especially based on one preview photo is a bit over the top. Whether it's a painter, sculptor, tailor or photographer - you can't judge their skills based on a single image.
Just to reinforce the above - I've mentioned many times that everyone is welcome to express their opinion, but how it is expressed is very important.

Saying someone should be fired, especially based on one preview photo is a bit over the top. Whether it's a painter, sculptor, tailor or photographer - you can't judge their skills based on a single image.

Thanks Dave. It's nice to have an Administrator you can trust, and I've always been grateful for how solid your moral compass is. It's one of the things that keeps me here. And I agree too; we shouldn't be so cynical. If anything, we should feel like we're trying to help people, not "make things right." That's done by being useful, not condemnatory.

So, back to Han--I love it! :cool:
I still just don't understand any of the complaints. I look at that preview pic, and I can't see anyone other then a young Harrison Ford. The lighting I think may be deceptive and washing out all of the fine details present there. That and a slightly too pail skin tone is just doing the sculpt no service. It's a nearly 100% perfect sculpt. I like it so much that I'm going to do anything I can to get a second head and replace Bespin Han, which is more off then this one; even if I have to buy a whole second figure.
Truly exceptional work Trev, I hope you supply us with likenesses as excellent as this for many years to come!

Now I have been wondering, and maybe Quoc Ha can come in and answer this; with the year almost over and Tatooine Han definitely coming next year, are we finally out of the 30th Anniversary Packaging scheme? And if so, will the packaging go back to the original design or something else?
Sorry but that statement is borne from ignorance.

Have you seen Les' work? He can take a generic female sculpt and turn it into Sigourney Weaver in Aliens 3. Why? Because he paints the likeness on the sculpt. He took my Jedi Luke and didn't just paint it. He painted the face to reflect a specific moment in Jabba's palace.

A good paint job can either accentuate the likeness OR it can alter it.

A great painter can do both and a great paint job should do both.

Then allow me to rephrase. A good paintjob should accentuate the likeness, not detract from it.

Now I have been wondering, and maybe Quoc Ha can come in and answer this; with the year almost over and Tatooine Han definitely coming next year, are we finally out of the 30th Anniversary Packaging scheme? And if so, will the packaging go back to the original design or something else?

Maybe they'll use the new design for ANH figures and go back to the old one for the rest. Or maybe they'll do something entirely different! Who knows?
They've said that the packaging won't change back.

And they did make changes to Bespin Han after the preview - so if ANH Han hasn't gone into production already, I have every confidence that adjustments will be made to him to better reflect the feedback.
I think it is perfectly fine... Just a little bit of a "Chicken Little" syndrome going on around here. We haven't even SEEN the PPO pics and it's already blowing up around here. :lol

Give it time people. It looks fine and will look better when you have it. :monkey1
It's getting so you can't post any measure of dissent or criticism in this forum without being labeled ignorant or hysterical. Sorry to to come of like a *******, but being reprimanded, even in jest, for giving an opinion is frustrating.
The Star Wars forums. You will never find a more wretched hive of ingratitude and feelings of entitlement.

It would be nice if there were a mandatory course on etiquette before internet access is granted. As a rule ask yourself if you would say it to their face that way, or better yet, imagine someone criticizing your work that way and how you would feel.
Its not their fault that so many SW fans have had countless wet dreams about the 'perfect figure' and we always see the comments that say "I understand there is no such thing as a perfect figure, but I want one with no flaws."

You can buy a Sideshow figure with a great sculpt, have Josh or Les repaint it and still spend less than a HT figure. Anyone who tells me thats ridiculous, look at the repaints these gents have done to the predator figures and the alien figures and tell me they aren't improved greatly is lying.

Hey Les, just so you know I asked Santa to bring me paint skills like yours. He said thats a very common request.
I think everyone's a bit frustrated in some capacity Obsolete, I wouldn't take things personal.

This forum is welcoming to differing opinions, but rightly so, it gets defensive because some people throw out contradictory opinions at times because it turns conversation into heated debate.

Another issue is that some of us who have been very pleased with this line and been following it from the start, have come to recognize certain nuances that are to be expected in the Sideshow process, and when we see others feeling negatively toward something and we feel from experience that there is opportunity for hope or sides to the matter, we're just trying to offer up more information and alternative ideas people may not be aware of, not tell anyone their opinion is wrong. Sometimes people aren't aware of certain details and it helps to hear from experienced people. Many people flew off the handle about ANH Leia's production quality because of some early pictures, but then other photos came along that more faithfully represented what you see in person and people calmed and even decided they wanted one, and I discussed some of my photography knowledge to try and help people that were speaking negatively off the pictures that the figure itself wasn't necessarily truly represented in those images and there was possibility that the real item was better. I don't care if people don't like that figure, some still don't, but when an opinion is based off of potentially false information or images, to me it seems like a nice gesture if those who may know something's askew enlighten others and provide them all the facts to make a sound opinion from.
It's getting so you can't post any measure of dissent or criticism in this forum without being labeled ignorant or hysterical. Sorry to to come of like a *******, but being reprimanded, even in jest, for giving an opinion is frustrating.

For the record, I really like TOM and I don't think you came off like a jack-ass at all. I just disagreed with what you said and posted my opinion in response.

Thanks Dave. It's nice to have an Administrator you can trust, and I've always been grateful for how solid your moral compass is. It's one of the things that keeps me here. And I agree too; we shouldn't be so cynical. If anything, we should feel like we're trying to help people, not "make things right." That's done by being useful, not condemnatory.

What a kiss ass:cool: