A New Hope Han!!!!

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I'm still on the fence with this one. The outfit is great but the hair color and eyes seem off. He looks like a cross between David Hasselhoff and Michael Landon. I can't place it but it just seems off to me. Anyone else?
I pre-ordered the Sideshow Exclusive, but the more I look at the picture, I can't stand the sculpt. The face is too wide and the chin is completely wrong. Before I cancel, I'd like a second opinion.

See, this is why I say the lighting in the preview image poorly shows the anatomy of the sculpt, this looks ****ing beautiful.
How about looking at it like this?
That looks much better. Maybe they just took bad pictures of the him for promotional use. Thanks. I think I'll keep the pre-order.

Sideshow's product photography philosophy is to flood the piece with light to make all the details of the fabric and portrait clearly visible. As buyers, we only see the small images so we don't see this in practice, but for their other marketing purposes they have high resolution copies of all the images, which some board members have access to and share around here, and the details are clear in those images.

The result of this practice is that the images often don't highlight the quality of the sculpt's structure and anatomical matching to the source character/actor. That's why Trev's bare sculpt photos show it off much better, there's a good balance of highlights, shadows and midtones that highlight the forms and show the Ford likeness better.
Sideshow's product photography philosophy is to flood the piece with light to make all the details of the fabric and portrait clearly visible. As buyers, we only see the small images so we don't see this in practice, but for their other marketing purposes they have high resolution copies of all the images, which some board members have access to and share around here, and the details are clear in those images.

The result of this practice is that the images often don't highlight the quality of the sculpt's structure and anatomical matching to the source character/actor. That's why Trev's bare sculpt photos show it off much better, there's a good balance of highlights, shadows and midtones that highlight the forms and show the Ford likeness better.
:lecture Listen to our very own expert!
I'll reiterate my standard argument in this thread.

Here's a stock photo of a production Leia figure at Sideshow's site, flooded with light, all the fine details clear for the viewer to see.


Here's a shot I took, same figure, cast in light and shadow meant to highlight the forms.


I never expected from some early photos of production Leia that the sculpt and look of Carrie Fisher was there, but the right light does show it is indeed there.

Best judge for the sculpt is to go by the bare sculpt shots in the Production Blog.
Having second thoughts on the exclusive now,don't think i'm really gonna use it.(or need it..i would not buy a greedo)

I wish SS would bring on the must have cool exclusives like the BD head/the two ventress heads etc.Not much incentive for me to buy from them direct other than CS.(which i get taken care of from great online retailers anyways.)

That being said...Can't wait for Han!

Same here. I pre-ordered the exclusive in the day's frenzy but ended up pre-ordering the regular as well but from the Godfather for considerably less. The Greedo blaster Just wasn't worth the $15 or so more, to me.
I just got an email about Han from SS with my streamline order info on it, strange. I don't think I've ever recieved this so long after placing an order before.:confused:
I just got an email about Han from SS with my streamline order info on it, strange. I don't think I've ever recieved this so long after placing an order before.:confused:

Funny, I was almost going to post this myself. I was just checking my mail and saw that. I didn't receive an order email on PPO day, but the order was in my account so I didn't care. I think something may have happened and the emails just got hung up somewhere. We've had emails not come through at my office and then just show up all of a sudden one day.
The only thing I can think of was that the email made note that "This item will ship from U.S. Warehouse only". Perhaps that was never noted on the item page previously so an automated email update was necessary?? Just a guess. For some reason, that part really stood out when viewing it on Gmail via an iPhone. :lol
A better update would have been "We have decided to include a Stormtrooper Belt to both make this the definitive ANH Han figure as well as further justify the $64.99 price point".

I can't speak for Coco, but for me this is the first receipt of an Order Placed email, not an update or anything. I imagine I may be unique in my email server since I use my business account instead of the standard freebies most people use.
A better update would have been "We have decided to include a Stormtrooper Belt to both make this the definitive ANH Han figure as well as further justify the $64.99 price point".


:lol I WISH the Stormtrooper belt would have been included. Then again, I was hoping they would have included Chewie... :monkey3