You're in a bad position. You bought from A and now you're turning to B to get the problem solved. You can't exactly call your bank or Paypal and refuse the charges now. Next time, only deal with the person you actually gave money to.
Please read before stating stuff like this.
The reseller and HT gave their greenlight, they know each other and agreed on the process.
This is not an ebay reseller we're talking about but one of HT major European reseller.
I'm not talking about whats going to happen now, this is my problem and i know how i'm going to deal with this. Don't you patronize me.
Thing is that anyone having to deal with Hot toys directly (so no A or B) this the way they treat you as a customer. Seems you don't get the nuance or the point of my post.
I haven't yet received my reseller or HT answer so maybe they will say we will send you a new body or i don't know what but even if they do, no way this handling my case ( but also some others fellow collectors) is ok in my book.
This is the problem here not just MY person.
Funny how even in this kind of situation someone will always find a way to point the finger toward the customer. This is why HT can get away with ____ like this.
We don't stick together.
Some were like you when the DX leakgate hit the fans, thanks god they did not let it go.