After Earth

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I still have an interest in this. I have liked more of M. Night's movies than I have disliked. He's not the worst filmaker working today by a wide margin. So I will give this a chance.
Jayden Smith, M Night. Shyamalamadingdong, 15% rotten rating. I will be avoiding this movie. Not even worth a $1 redbox rental.
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Doubt I'll go see this movie. Was semi-interested in it. Until the trailer had Will say "everything has evolved to kill humans". yeah, no thanks.
I think he's turned into a hack...
Definitely will avoid this one...

I admit he has lost his voice as an artist, and I really hope he finds it. But I don't think he is a hack. Michael Bay, Joel Schumacher, etc are hacks. M. Night actually has an artistic voice. Of his films:

Sixth Sense: I have no opinion as it was ruined for me by the guy at Blockbuster the day it came to dvd.

Unbreakable: Ok, not his best work.

Signs: Enjoyable, suffers from same Alien invader tropes as lots of others.

The Village: I enjoyed it quite a lot. But the pattern is getting old.

Lady in the Water: Cool story concept. Visually stunning. A bit pretensious casting yourself as a writer who's work will change the world.

The Happening: Great premise, horrible execution.

Last Airbender: the less said about this the better.

Plus I love Sci-fi as a genre. STID was horribly dumb and disappointing(yet critics loved it, despite all it's best moments being blatantly stolen from a better film), and Oblivion was so predictable you could set your watch by it. This has some interesting concepts, and like i said Shyamalan doesn't inspire the hatred in me he does in others. I truly hope he finds his way as a storyteller again.
I think the only decent movies he made were Sixth Sense and Unbreakable...
Signs to me was a joke... and a bad one... and it all went downhill from there... After sitting through The Village I gave up on this guy... and judging by the rest of his movies, I made the right choice.

I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt with this one, but not anymore...
I'd take Into Darkness and Oblivion any day of the week and twice on Sundays over anything he's done recently...
And it's not just the critics, even the audience agree this is a POS...
I can't forgive him for destroying the Airbender which could have been an awesome franchise, especially when all he needed to do was follow the cartoon.
Or cast people who looked like the characters and acted like them. Not have Ung instead of Aang and Soka instead of Sooka. The dialogue was also horrendous.
I can't forgive him for destroying the Airbender which could have been an awesome franchise, especially when all he needed to do was follow the cartoon.

Airbender was impossible to make..He tried to put 11 hours of cartoon into 2 hrs...He tried, loved the show but failed...unles you are going the peter Jackson rout of making each cartoon season into 3 films it would never work well I dont care who was behind the helm
Airbender was impossible to make..He tried to put 11 hours of cartoon into 2 hrs...He tried, loved the show but failed...unles you are going the peter Jackson rout of making each cartoon season into 3 films it would never work well I dont care who was behind the helm

:goodpost: The only way Airbender was ever going to work as a film was to do it LOTR style. With each film clocking in over 2 hrs. Idon't think any director put under the constraints he was could have made that film any better. It was doomed to fail.
He could've told his own version of the story that wasn' know...stupid. That movie was bad because it was bad storytelling. Coupled with horrendous acting, incredibly boring action, and just about one of the worst scripts ever put to a summer blockbuster.

It's pure Shamalyan. He just can't write. Or direct. Apparently. Thanks to his huge ego. He'll never admit he was at fault.
The only Shamalyan movie I liked was "Unbreakable"... and only bcoz of the story and perfect actors.
It's a really solid film. I like Signs because Aliens are the only thing that freaks me out. It's got some great creepy moments. I could live without the rest of the movie though.
The only Shamalyan movie I liked was "Unbreakable"... and only bcoz of the story and perfect actors.

I remember reading somewhere that Unbreakable was supposed to be a three movie story arc. THe sequels would further develop Willis and Jackson as superhero/villain . Does anyone else remember that?
6th Sense is a very good thriller. Unbreakables probly his best movie to date, i actually really enjoyed The Villiage also. Havnt scene alot of his recent stuff including Airbender, But i really wanna See After Earth, i love will smith.

People are destorying this movie but i dont think it can be that bad, i feel like the critics are set out to goof on Will smiths son, because hes will smiths son.