We gotta admit the base is truly a work of art
We gotta admit the base is truly a work of art
Agreed and agreed. And unlike the DD piece (and as much as I hate admit it), this piece delivers both a beautiful sculpt WITH a beautiful base. Expensive, but if you're a Lara fan, I think it's actually worth it.
I am a huge fan and I do think it's beautiful, but in this economy, it's quite high.
Why that price? Is there a reason?
Two reasons in fact. Huge base and Adam Hughes' name written under it.
I'm going to have to paint around the clock to afford all the Sideshow goodness offered this year, but I gots to have it all. This is a PERFECT Lara in my eyes. Love it, love it, love it.
I love it, this is a must buy!
However, I fear this will consume an entire Besta shelf due to the massive base! And I'm desperately needing more space!!