Just because you didnt like it doesnt make it so..
Not triggered. Just annoyed when ppl state their opinion as a fact. Especially in the tomb raider fandom. The amount of ppl saying “not my lara” “everyone hates new lara” bla bla bla. It’s energy draining and the generalisation is annoyingggglol my opinion but okay…. Don’t get so triggered there buddy. It’s not that deep.
Sounds pretty typical of this era of Lara. I too found the reboot trilogy mediocre. I enjoyed my initial playthrough enough but once I finished, all details left my brain and I have never felt a desire to revisit them. Alas.
lol I kinda figured. I'm still gonna check it out because I love the TR franchise. But I'm not expecting anything other than it being another generic animated show.
I havent watched it yet but Netflix released a 2 minute promo of her fighting an alligator.
Most of the action happens off screen. No gore or blood. She’s bitten but isnt even phased and no bitemarks. Wonder if this show is for kids or something? Art direction is super bland. The animation looks uninspired… its not looking good
I’ll give it a goThere's plenty of blood in the series.
I finished it yesterday. It wasn't great but some of the scenery was interesting.
It is crazy that we are living in the era where AOD is getting a remaster!!! So happy!!!
AoD is a complete mess. Lara can barely be controlled i gave up after a few hours. Its a weird game. Great atmosphere with meh gameplay. Hope they remake it ibstead of remaster because it has serious potential to be a good game.Great, more awful controls. lol
I tried with the first three, I really did. But using the same impossible control style as the originals is just a **** move.
Such a wasted opportunity imo. Giving the original games a full remake would've been much better.
How was AoD? I'm thinking it couldn't have been as bad, since the PS2 already had the two joysticks?