Alamo Drafthouse Posters

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Yeah, if they want to continue with limited prints, price the damn things higher. That might keep flippers away.
Flippers are keeping Mondo interesting right now. Which might be helping them in the hype department, but not in the long run.
Their whole business model is based on the hype machine, and the flippers totally feed into that. I can't imagine Mondo wanting to do away with flippers, and I'm not sure how well they would do without it honestly.
Flippers are making money off the limited aspect of these, not their pricing. If you raise the prices, the flippers do too. They'll just tack on whatever they want to make to whatever price Mondo charges. The way to stop flipping, is to increase the print runs significantly. But, that does a Hot Toys to the "limited" appeal to them, and they become nothing more than posters.

Flippers are a part of what gives Mondo's prints their value, and exclusivity.
Wow, that Creature print is amazing!!!

Well NYCC was a bust for me. By the time I got to the line there were at least 100 ppl and I went to check out the prints and it was taking them at least 3 minutes to ring each person up. Fugggggg dat! Honestly I wasn't impressed with any of the prints either.

Saturday I stumbled upon the booth and just picked up the regular Shaun. For the price it was a good buy.

Using their ipads to process the cards hurt them because of the signal issues in the center.

I think it was overkill with all of the "exclusives" but they are on a high and need to do what they can while they can.

I like the Shaun of the Dead one the most. Everything else I can live without.

Upon seeing them all I remained true and only liked the Shaun. But I will say Foghorn was awesome, but I don't do any of them and didn't want to get sucked in.

I prefer the regular with Shaun standing on the phone booth over the one with Ed.

I as well. How can you have a Shaun poster without Shaun ?

Creature from the Black Lagoon print above, by Australia's own Ken Taylor. It'll be printed in an edition of 430, and will go for $50. Keep an eye on @MondoNews for further updates.
All of their Transformers prints are gone, but Acid Free Gallery has their remaining Dave Perillo G.I. Joe and Cobra prints up right now, for interested people.
Damn ! They didn't tell me that ! :(

Hate to break it to ya, but they've been saying on their facebook page for 2 weeks now that they were going to save some for an online drop. Even the product pages says that some would be held back for online today. But hey, there will always be other prints for us to piss away our money with. :duff
Hate to break it to ya, but they've been saying on their facebook page for 2 weeks now that they were going to save some for an online drop. Even the product pages says that some would be held back for online today. But hey, there will always be other prints for us to piss away our money with. :duff

Yeah well, not on facebook. Oh well.