Haven't bought any posters from Mondo in a while, but just scored a Scrooge variant and a regular Magica. I really like these two, and 18x24 is a perfect size for them.
If anyone wins the Shaun Stout Lottery and isn't feeling it, I'll take their print off their hands.
That's awesome. Congrats. I haven't been interested in anything at Mondo in a while. At least not stuff for myself personally. The latest Jason and Leatherface have been it for me.
Anyone who has Edmiston's Freddy and latest Jason to match, just an fyi...he drew them so they could be hung back to back. We had a conversation about that at the gallery.
I entered as well and considering no email yet, I'm saddened to say I'm positive I didn't get picked.
No luck with the Stout lottery either. That makes me 0/4 with his site. All my luck with his prints are through Mondo surprisingly.
Are the MOS prints still shipping?? I still haven't received mine, info on my order still says processing.
I think they are shipping them in batches