Darth Waller
Are you on the square?
The orange one is.
Maybe I'll get lucky.
Yeah, right.
All of mine have come in great condition.
Good to know.
The orange one is.
All of mine have come in great condition.
Brains, we spoke last night. Just mentioning it because I don't want others to think I'm ignoring ya. I have a feeling I'll be able to help you out! That leaves the green one and the eyeball if it DOES in fact work out.
The Halloween print is stellar and if I didn't already have KT's Halloween, I'd be going for it.
I will be getting that record by joe.
Here's the 1/3 Tales from the Crypt glasses I was able to snag from Mondo...yes they let me take it.
I'd have to get something to play it on.
Vinyl STILL available !
Pretty sure the vinyl isn't limited at least not a set limit so no one should have a problem getting one and there shouldn't be any douche flippers.
Actually they are limited...as it says on Mondo's blog.
Yeah, I'm friends with a few of the Mondo peeps so I got lucky.
I can't wait to see the latest Halloween print in person.