I mean frame and mats, not art. Why do you want to know? lol. I used 2x black and 1x red. You'll see it when it's all done. Did Ken Taylor do any other Halloween print?
Now I just need to get the other two '66 prints.
I only like the Ansin print
Not for the money we pay them for this stuff !
I can assure you that I won't pay this $$$ again for another frame. Halloween was just one that I wouldn't mess around with. It had to be a stunning finished masterpiece or fail.
Ugh. So sad. I took my print in and then 2 hours later I get a call that the main mat had scuffs on it from the machine that cut it. And the entire mat/frame/glass I used (which cost more than a PF) will not be anything less than perfect so they had to reorder. Waiting another week. *sigh.
I eagerly await to see pictures!
BG, did you ever get that red foiled Buffy print framed? I ended up picking one up myself. Haven't framed it yet though. Curious what it looks like framed.