I think ALIEN - ALIENS - ALIEN 3, is one of the best, most original trilogies ever. I actually enjoyed AR, and to a much lesser extent, AVP, but I didn't have high hopes for either, and for AR, it was post REAL Ripley anyway. I did enjoy the peripheral characters alot. And the humor.
But anyway...
I've had this ALIENS sequel story idea for ages...a direct sequel to ALIENS, and a seperate storyline from the Ripley tale...
See if anyone else has had this one.
ANd, using Hollywood logic, if the use of an Alien queen on ice for over 100 years is OK for a movie (AVP) then how bout this one...
(Events occur within months of the end of ALIENS, entirely seperately from the Ripley story....)
An interstellar colonial passenger ship is travelling near to the area of LV426, on the way to populate an outer rim planet...they intercept biological data in the form of a frozen mass nearby, and decide to investigate... totally unaware of what has transpired in this region of space recently...
They find...the frozen form of a balled up insectoid looking, heretofore unidentified mass. They take it aboard and put it in a freezer, radio back to base and to their trajectory, and continue on, thinking they have made an interesting discovery.
The "thing" in the freezer (yeah, why not!) wakes up. Yep, she's the same queen as the ALIENS one! Imagine that!...and she breaks loose and kills crewmen nearby and nests, and begins laying eggs...hundreds of eggs....leading to...that first facehugger...and that first alien...and then....well, it's a passenger ship carrying thousands of people....
The company becomes aware, and a huge contingent of Colonial marines are sent with a team of WY scientific investigators. ..will they make it on time...
Back at the ship, chaos insues...the Aliens are even worse this go round, at command of the very angry Queen, who remembers this host species with loathing, we are FINALLY subjected to actually seeing the people captured and the vain attempts at rescues, all thwarted...
Some of the more hardy passengers work up a counterattack on the growing nest, but to no avail...all seems lost...
During this segment, alien warriors are seen taking eggs from the nest area, to other parts of the ship...
Then, in the nick of time, the cavalry arrives...
CM ships shows up and hundreds of seriously armed marines debark with exosuits and heavy artillery and go at it with the nest... Imagine it like a big game, first wave, hundreds of facehuggers skittering at them...hundred s...then come the warriors in waves....
A group of the passengers has learned enough to plan a blow up of the ship, and are almost stopped by company men, but the plan is set and all hell breaks loose.
Imagine large scale versions of any action seen so far in the ALIEN movies and you can imagine the scale. Something like the last part of Matrix Revolutions, only with ALiens....
The remaining passengers and crew and marines hit the lifeboats and all leave as the ship is detonated, taking with it the Colonial Marine vessels and all...
But, the Queen has outsmarted all the escaping people...on each lifeboat, eggs are secured, and chaos ensues further, only this time, spreading out to all points...
The "main" characters manage to kill off the eggs and clean up their ship, to find the Queen aboard the small craft. She kills all but two and they destroy the vessel and the original Queen from ALIENS is finally killed.
But, her brood is spreading out in the remaining overwhelmed lifeboats....
To be continued????...
It's silly, but no more so than any other idea I guess. And it sets up more of the franchise without the other actors.
There is more followup and I would enjoy seeing this kind of straigtup ALIEN movie more than more AVPs! (Nothing against Predators, they deserve their own good movies!)
I just thought about going back to ALIENS and follow up on it in a different style. WITH NO RIPLEY!
And yes, it does smack of some of the followup comics, but so what. Some of those were great ideas.
Just an idea....