Here on the Perimeter
Wor-Gar said:Well I'm back from a busy weekend and... this is unbelieveable!
I'm so IN for the Power Loader and Aliens Alien. So glad I held out and didn't pull the tirgger on the AvP alien...although I may get him too!!!! The "bug" has bitten me. Its all about ALIENS now. The hell with SW and the little chess table.
Can you imagine a set-up with a couple aliens, the 5 marines, Ripley and her power loader... and the inevitable QUEEN ALIEN at SDCC to go with it? Its too much to fathom.
All I know is I can't wait for 3rd quarter. No, seriously, I can't. I want it now. I thought Jabba on that throne was was amazing in its sheer size... but this power loader is going to be insane. And whether it works or not, I will find a way to get that siren light to light up and spin!
Seems your birthday wishes came true this past weekend brother and threadfather WG. What an amazingly cool thread this has become, and we have come along way, haven't we?
An update from Frontline (hero heads). Lonnie said the new FL Hudson head will be released when HT releases the figure...