knowing that the Alien appears no more than 10 minutes in the whole film, that in each of his appearances we see him 1 or two minutes wrapped in smoke, hidden in the darkness, etc., I do not know what we mean by poor painting. I do not think the bolagi costume is painted better than this bust sincerely. Also, I'm sure pictures of this bust doesn’t make justice to this piece. Yeah! I really love paint jobs from some artists like Chase (specialy him

)! But I have already seen the original suit in switzerland and if it was not completely black, we couldn’t appreciate details or different tonalities at all...(so for me it was completely black

On youtube there is a preview of this bust and it is all I need to know that the figure is incredible. The good thing about collecting is that not everyone love the same figures, we will pay a lot of more for every piece in that case!
Anyway, it can not be denied that it is the exact representation of Giger's Alien. I am also with the ones who say that in the movie the dome is not clear at all.this is the exact giger’s design and that’s why. Same with the maquette (it has different hands that from the movie)
I respect all the opinions from here, sorry for my english, but one friend told me yesterday that this bust looks like the 25th anniversay bust (the obe with dvds inside), and sorry but

it is awesome! But doesn’t matter,i will be a proud owner of this and the maquette and more than happy to display both in my freak room
