Statue Alien: Big Chap Legendary Scale Bust

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Yea...they shipped me Sting's returned Warrior.

Defects in pics line up perfectly.

I called them to tell them, got forwarded to their QC manager ... Carlos Mendoza... I think it was.
Got his voice mail stating he was out of town...even though the dates in the voice mail were a week past.

Kept calling, kept getting voice mail, never heard back from them.
All I ever got out of them was an email stating it must have been an accident.


While I am not trying to harp on QC, I just feel if we bring it up and dont take it, SS will eventually actually address the problem. But I think if they are willing to start off by shipping defective products that "passed" QC (domes not fitting, large defects, etc)...then there is certainly nothing stopping them from trying to pawn off the piece to someone else.

Almost seems like they have horrid QC at the start of shipping. So someone lets a bunch of crap through. Then they get their stuff to together and later arrivals turn out nice.

Still going to see how this guy turns out once he arrives at a local store.
Then I can use my store credits from the Warrior trade in. ;)
Re: Alien Legendary Scale Bust

I think it's going to be harder to paint the teeth on Big Chap over the warrior. The lower lip area is in the way...
Wow glad to report mine came pretty much flawless. Ill post pictures later once im home from work. Still does not change my stance on this company. But i am glad i get to back away with my last piece in good condition. I look forward to the day sideshow goes back to the way it was.
Well I decided to send mine back and see if the replacement they send me is any better. Hopefully it will at least have all of his tendons, broken or not, since mine is missing some of the broken pieces. One thing I noticed last night which I didn't before is that the broken tendon on the left side that I have a piece for is missing another very small piece. A piece that wraps under the jaw slightly where they would have glued it. The weird thing is theres not glue residue or mark or any sign that glue was ever there. Which leads me to believe the tendon was broken there before they glued it on.
Same situation with mine. Tendon on left side was broke, found a piece in the white foam which I was able to glue back as it was a clean break. Then I took the bust out of the plastic baggie that comes wrapped under the base, and found a second piece of the tendon, the piece that wraps under the jaw. So I had to glue that on seperately. Hopefully it long does super glue last anyways?
Wow glad to report mine came pretty much flawless. Ill post pictures later once im home from work. Still does not change my stance on this company. But i am glad i get to back away with my last piece in good condition. I look forward to the day sideshow goes back to the way it was.

Received #289 last night. Gave it a quick look to check for any damage/defects. Right tendon is broken in the same spot as a lot of others, but I'm just going to glue it back. The dome has some scratches on the INSIDE of it, towards the back, which I found strange. Must've happened during casting or something. They are only visible at certain angles under lights. There is also this weird looking spot right at the back of the skull beneath the dome, but it's really hard to see it as this part of the dome is really dark, so I can't make out if the spot is paint or residue, but it's something that will never be seen on display. My name plate also has a small paint chip, but the paint underneath is also green so isn't really noticeable.

That's pretty much it in terms of flaws, so I think I got lucky (for once), considering some of the others. I'm going to go over it tonight with a fine tooth comb though, just to make sure I haven't missed anything. If this is it, I don't think I'll try for a replacement out of fear that it might come with worse problems, but will accept a credit or partial refund.

As for the bust itself, it's nice, very big, but also a little underwhelming. The sculpt is fantastic as already discussed. I really love the skull underneath the dome. The teeth, as expected, are crap and look worse than Warrior's due to the size. I wasn't too bothered by Warrior's teeth coz they were small enough that it wasn't really noticeable, but Big Chap's look pretty bad. It's not just the colour, but they lack detail and the paint looks sloppy. The paintjob over the whole bust is very inconsistent. It's strange. The shoulders are really nicely painted with nice patterns and a nice smooth gloss to them. Other parts of the bust however, look sloppy, flat with lack of detail and are missing the gloss coat and feel rough to the touch. I think the Warrior is painted nicer.

Tried to take pics but the battery on my camera died, so I'll take some tonight.
SO jealous of that Queen. At that size it'd be great if they made an updated version for this line...but that's a beauty of a piece. Awesome set! :hi5:

I echo your jealousy, buddy. That Queen is a real beauty.

I :pray: that we get a Legendary Scale Bust of her in this line. If we do then I'll be all over it like a Facehugger over someone's visage.
While i agree with the lsb of the queen... Where would anyone put it hahahaha. That queen is 1/4 scale i believe... You would need to double up plus it. That would be insanely massive and pricey hahaha.
Stoke-On-Trent... Will be here tomorrow.
Fingers crossed.

I have faith that yours will turn out in such a way that you'll be pleased with it!
