Super Freak
i am going to order it too!
(but not for $800)
(but not for $800)
This, to me, is just another failed pose. (Sideshow is getting really good at this!).
Kudos to those that like it, but this pose totally saved me $800.../
Oh well...
I do like the top half...If the legs were crouched low like a catcher behind the plate with the tail getting ready to strike I think it would be better....The one thing I have to say about this creature it was different from the very beginning when it was created 32 years ago...not just looks...but poses, the way it moved...everything...only thing normal about it is it had 2 legs, 2 arms, a head and tail.....THIS IS ONE CREATURE I COULD SEE STANDING AND LOOKING LIKE THIS!...Giger and Scott's treatment of this creature was so original that this would work...look at all the ways Scott made this guy attack, walk and behave on video(including deleted scenes)...Nothing like it was out there in looks and behavior or movement...Amazing......I like this even more...In person when this comes out folks will love it...The height itself will be amazing...My only hope is ES is 500 or less...This is really starting to grow on me
The price tag is so high for basically a premium format figure. I was going to get this but with a price tag like that for 1/4 scale they can keep it. Was really disappointed with the statue for such a price. But the paint ampt is really great!
Jaws, stop posting stuff, man. Your signature gif scares the crap out of me. I can't help but watch it, but I dread every time Sam pops out of the water. It's scarier than the movie was.
In my opinion, their smaller dio was better, mainly because of the pose. I can't stand this pose, it looks odd and too fluent and not Alien.
I think it's funny how they were aware of the whole pose thing from the very beginning, and they thought it would still work judging by the nature of the creature... boy, oh boy, did they undercalculate that.
As a huge Alien fan I was really looking forward to this and wondering how I was going to save to get one.
But now I don't have to worry anymore. The pose really does kill it.
The sculpt and proportions look great, after the initial viewings the only thing that bothers me is the dome, which looks a bit off.
Shame really, this could've been epic.
Well yes, but we didn't see the final prod pics until today -- there's always changes during production and no one really knew what the final product would be until now...
I think if (and that is a Big IF) the arms on this are NOT locked in a stationary position and can rotate on the shoulder joints, this piece, like silent surfer showed below, can take on a completely different effect.. and THAT might be cool but I wouldn't bet 800 on it unless I knew for sure.
Again, if this is true and this is it, I just don't know what Tom G and his team were thinking using such a counter intuitive, non iconic, non screen archetype pose. I'm sure they thought it would be cool looking, but it just baffles me.
The pose is very feminin almost like a ballet dancer. Such a shame SS
couldn't come up with a better pose.
The sulpt and paint on the other hand look excellent, if the pose had of been better this would have been a definate purchase.
I have the 1/4 aliens maquette and I think that is the better of the 2.
All you collectors know that feeling you get when you see an awesome statue?? It's that feeling that you instantly want it and you will stop at nothing to get it. If this alien doesn't have that effect on you and you have to think about weather you will buy it or not then SS has already
The pose really does kill it. I'm glad for stuff like this when I can't afford a piece anyway
Looks more like a Cameron Aliens type of pose. Doesn't capture the essence of the original.
Except Giger's Alien..
This pose is just horrible... Nothing like the Big Chap. Any other pose would have been okay.
It's just not "Alien".
He does look like he's about to say Ahhh Choooo! or say "Slowly I turned"
Not digging the pose at all... it really does have a Nosferatu vibe to it
I was considering getting this one, and if the pose had been better I think I would have been in for the price. But as it is I can always wait and get it from a retailer w/o the deposit and save $80.
I am happy that I don't like the pose - I really would not have been able to afford this statue if I liked it, but would have HAD to get it.
And yet again Alien fans are let down by a statue that fails to capture the unique identity of the on screen creature. We should be used to the disappointments by now. Will they ever get it right?
I thought I would like it much more once I saw the official pics, but holy crap it looks horrible. That has got to be the worst pose possible.
And I don't really get this whole "paying to pay to get the collectible" thing..
Even if the pose was good, I don't think I would pay an extra $80.
The pose is more D!ck Dastardly than Alien to me!
That said the sculpt and the paint look on par with the Warrior maquette which is great.
The feet appear too close together - the right leg should be further towards the front - the statue looks off balance with the head too far over where it feels the centre of gravity should be.
I think my CM is still safe as the definitive scaled Alien collectible but this will be ordered!
I'm not feeling that pose and the price. Guess i'm passing on this one as well
Well, the pose does present some issues but this is still gonna sell out pretty fast. It's a beautiful piece, I just don't understand why they used this pose versus a Lambert Kill Walk or Dallas attack pose.
Another case of "what could have been" for me,the pose might make me pass on this,i'll have to see if it grows on me
Great sculpt though,which is why the pose is such a shame tbh
The sculpt is beautiful.....the paint is great.....the pose is horrible....
I still prefer the Alien Warrior Maquette.......
Much more like an Alien character.....
the pose is awkward also b/c the right legand right arm are both forward and the left leg and left arm are both behind him --- it's such a weird pose for any humanoid creature to be in --- and not weird in a creepy way -- just weird in an awkward "I don't know what to do with my limbs" pose. The Bela Lugosi hands would've been forgivable if the overall pose were not so awkward....like a model who doesn't know how to model, or athlete who doesn't know the proper form...just weird -- that said, I have to still add it to the 79 alien collection b/c the details are nice and it's still the big chap - the details and paint job are fine and of quality -- I have and enjoy the Cinemaquette, but the Cinemaquette has a sculpterly quality to it and feels like a bronze statue almost...
this one looks like a large version of the diorama alien -- if not mistaken, I believe it is sculpted by the same folks who did the dioramas --
The hands and pose kinda ruin it for me.
It's a great looking sculpt.
But the pose sucks wet sack.
OK cool. I see about the pose, I could think of better ones from the film that represent the Alien better.
..........just standing up so static like that is prolly the most boring pose for any collectible i have ever seen. Its ok for a true 1:1 statue, but not something on a smaller scale.
I agree another instance of overthinking the pose ending up with a pretty static one.
Wow! That's the first pic I've seen of the Marmit in light. The pose is classic but, put it back in the shadows. Sideshow could have picked a more classic pose and I wish they did. I wish they would fire Tom Gilliganhand or whatever his name is. That guy is just trying too hard to make things different and artistic.
Still, everyone hated the Warriors pose when it went up for order but, after it was released most changed their mind. I expect the same to happen with this one.
With that said, I'll most likely order this one and love it.
In my opinion, their smaller dio was better, mainly because of the pose. I can't stand this pose, it looks odd and too fluent and not Alien.
I think it's funny how they were aware of the whole pose thing from the very beginning, and they thought it would still work judging by the nature of the creature... boy, oh boy, did they undercalculate that.
As a huge Alien fan I was really looking forward to this and wondering how I was going to save to get one.
But now I don't have to worry anymore. The pose really does kill it.
The sculpt and proportions look great, after the initial viewings the only thing that bothers me is the dome, which looks a bit off.
Shame really, this could've been epic.
Well yes, but we didn't see the final prod pics until today -- there's always changes during production and no one really knew what the final product would be until now...
I think if (and that is a Big IF) the arms on this are NOT locked in a stationary position and can rotate on the shoulder joints, this piece, like silent surfer showed below, can take on a completely different effect.. and THAT might be cool but I wouldn't bet 800 on it unless I knew for sure.
Again, if this is true and this is it, I just don't know what Tom G and his team were thinking using such a counter intuitive, non iconic, non screen archetype pose. I'm sure they thought it would be cool looking, but it just baffles me.
beautiful sculpt but horrid, horrid pose. Too bad, I was looking forward to this one. I think I'll wait a bit though.
I think SS over think the pose to often,just watch the damn movie and pick one!,thats Alien not Nosferatu
Really its not hard![]()
awful pose so easy pass for me
Muzzle, hands, pose, base and position of the "Alien" on it...
Simple fail and pass.
It's a pity because I really wanted classic HRG Alien next to my Sil... Thx Sideshow, you guys can continue to eat your straw![]()
Looks like SS dropped the ball again. That pose does indeed look like he's getting ready to do the moonwalk. Or SS was trying to give a classic Universal monsters' pose, ala Dracula or Wolfman, to the Alien. If that's the case, they failed. What makes Giger's Alien so unique (and I don't have to explain this to the Alien fans here) is that it was the complete antithesis of those classic monsters and was, and still is, something so far out of left field, that it cannot be compared or copied. It was and still is wholly original. It is the very definition of alien. Hell, that pose is an injustice. It's like he's saying, "I want to suck your blood" or getting ready to do that jig that Alien-like puppet did in the last part of Spaceballs. That's out and out parody people. For $800 you don't want parody. You want something that screams brilliance, originality and dare I say, absolute terror from this piece. The way it stands now, this is an out and out travesty. Interesting that in another year or so we'll have a prequel to the original Alien film in theatres. Just because of this, I thought SS would have pulled out all the stops for this piece. Wrong again. I'll keep my Cinemaquette Alien, warts and all. Even with the way CM sculpted it, missing the mark on what it should have been, it puts this SS piece to shame.
Yeah, SS missed the mark with that pose. I understand the idea but it just does not work.
PALISADES did the same sort of Nosferatu pose and nailed it IMO but it was only a bust.
I think the doing a sculpt of the original full body ALIEN is just such a hard thing to do. You never get any full body shots of him in the movie except when he is blown out of the shuttle. Even Ridley Scott was a bit unhappy with how Human (man in a suit) the ALIEN looked. So to recreating the ALIEN in a full body sculpt and staying true to the original design while trying to makle it look less then human is near impossible. Many of the full body statues of this creature are just the ALIEN standing there with arm at his side.
I wish they could have used their ALIENS mequette pose for this piece. That would have been perfect. But they already used that pose. Too bad.
I prefer the Alien Warrior to this piece, by a landslide. I understand what Sideshow was trying to do with the pose, but for me it doesn't translate well. However, i am sure it will look impressive next to the Alien Warrior Maquette.
I am passing and sticking with my 20" Giger Alien by NECA...IMHO this piece is not 20X better than NECA's 1/4 scale action figure.
Siddeshow Maquette vs CM
The pose of the Maquette is unique and the finishing is off the charts. The CM's pose is ideal but i'm not a fan of the finishing when compared to the Maquette. the NECA 1/4 action is what it is...a $40 toy...but far and away the best bang for the buck...for a couple bucks, a custom paint job could bring it within striking distance of these "Elite" Alien statues.
But he never has that "slowly I turn pose" - or that dastardly villain - bela lugosi hands thing - plus both right limbs are forward and both left limbs are back -- just weird in a non-79 alien way...BUT the details are nice -- I'll say this, for the original diorama they did, the hands in that pose worked better b/c he was holding open a curtain of chains...
I pass, hate the pose.
It looks like the Palisades statue...Moonwalk pose:
In my opinion, their smaller dio was better, mainly because of the pose. I can't stand this pose, it looks odd and too fluent and not Alien.
I think it's funny how they were aware of the whole pose thing from the very beginning, and they thought it would still work judging by the nature of the creature... boy, oh boy, did they undercalculate that.
As a huge Alien fan I was really looking forward to this and wondering how I was going to save to get one.
But now I don't have to worry anymore. The pose really does kill it.
The sculpt and proportions look great, after the initial viewings the only thing that bothers me is the dome, which looks a bit off.
Shame really, this could've been epic.
Well yes, but we didn't see the final prod pics until today -- there's always changes during production and no one really knew what the final product would be until now...
I think if (and that is a Big IF) the arms on this are NOT locked in a stationary position and can rotate on the shoulder joints, this piece, like silent surfer showed below, can take on a completely different effect.. and THAT might be cool but I wouldn't bet 800 on it unless I knew for sure.
Again, if this is true and this is it, I just don't know what Tom G and his team were thinking using such a counter intuitive, non iconic, non screen archetype pose. I'm sure they thought it would be cool looking, but it just baffles me.
The pose is very feminin almost like a ballet dancer. Such a shame SS
couldn't come up with a better pose.
The sulpt and paint on the other hand look excellent, if the pose had of been better this would have been a definate purchase.
I have the 1/4 aliens maquette and I think that is the better of the 2.
All you collectors know that feeling you get when you see an awesome statue?? It's that feeling that you instantly want it and you will stop at nothing to get it. If this alien doesn't have that effect on you and you have to think about weather you will buy it or not then SS has already
The pose really does kill it. I'm glad for stuff like this when I can't afford a piece anyway
Looks more like a Cameron Aliens type of pose. Doesn't capture the essence of the original.
Except Giger's Alien..
This pose is just horrible... Nothing like the Big Chap. Any other pose would have been okay.
It's just not "Alien".
He does look like he's about to say Ahhh Choooo! or say "Slowly I turned"
Not digging the pose at all... it really does have a Nosferatu vibe to it
I was considering getting this one, and if the pose had been better I think I would have been in for the price. But as it is I can always wait and get it from a retailer w/o the deposit and save $80.
I am happy that I don't like the pose - I really would not have been able to afford this statue if I liked it, but would have HAD to get it.
And yet again Alien fans are let down by a statue that fails to capture the unique identity of the on screen creature. We should be used to the disappointments by now. Will they ever get it right?
I thought I would like it much more once I saw the official pics, but holy crap it looks horrible. That has got to be the worst pose possible.
And I don't really get this whole "paying to pay to get the collectible" thing..
Even if the pose was good, I don't think I would pay an extra $80.
The pose is more D!ck Dastardly than Alien to me!
That said the sculpt and the paint look on par with the Warrior maquette which is great.
The feet appear too close together - the right leg should be further towards the front - the statue looks off balance with the head too far over where it feels the centre of gravity should be.
I think my CM is still safe as the definitive scaled Alien collectible but this will be ordered!
edit apparently ____ Dastardly is censored![]()
I'm not feeling that pose and the price. Guess i'm passing on this one as well![]()
Well, the pose does present some issues but this is still gonna sell out pretty fast. It's a beautiful piece, I just don't understand why they used this pose versus a Lambert Kill Walk or Dallas attack pose.
Another case of "what could have been" for me,the pose might make me pass on this,i'll have to see if it grows on me
Great sculpt though,which is why the pose is such a shame tbh
The sculpt is beautiful.....the paint is great.....the pose is horrible....
I still prefer the Alien Warrior Maquette.......
Much more like an Alien character.....
the pose is awkward also b/c the right legand right arm are both forward and the left leg and left arm are both behind him --- it's such a weird pose for any humanoid creature to be in --- and not weird in a creepy way -- just weird in an awkward "I don't know what to do with my limbs" pose. The Bela Lugosi hands would've been forgivable if the overall pose were not so awkward....like a model who doesn't know how to model, or athlete who doesn't know the proper form...just weird -- that said, I have to still add it to the 79 alien collection b/c the details are nice and it's still the big chap - the details and paint job are fine and of quality -- I have and enjoy the Cinemaquette, but the Cinemaquette has a sculpterly quality to it and feels like a bronze statue almost...
this one looks like a large version of the diorama alien -- if not mistaken, I believe it is sculpted by the same folks who did the dioramas --
The hands and pose kinda ruin it for me.
It's a great looking sculpt.
But the pose sucks wet sack.
OK cool. I see about the pose, I could think of better ones from the film that represent the Alien better.
...........just standing up so static like that is prolly the most boring pose for any collectible i have ever seen. Its ok for a true 1:1 statue, but not something on a smaller scale.
I agree another instance of overthinking the pose ending up with a pretty static one.
I pass, hate the pose.
It looks like the Palisades statue...Moonwalk pose:
Can I ask a question, I've never bought from sideshow, but how long after the announcement are maquettes usually released? Is it like Hot Toys where you have a few months at least? thanks