Super Freak
Nice job! I'd really like to paint my Big Chap teeth but don't think I've got the steady hand and skill necessary to do so.
Nice job! I'd really like to paint my Big Chap teeth but don't think I've got the steady hand and skill necessary to do so.
Python...great work. It looks fantasticI thought the teeth on the warrior were well done to begin with except for the silver paint that they used. The chrome application takes them to another level. The Big Chap's teeth are another story since they are a mess to begin with. As you know, it's not just the paint that they used, the teeth are not casted properly. There is little to no separation between the teeth and there are all kind of imperfections on them (bumps/indentations, etc.). Plus they will be harder to work on given the partially closed mouth. I think you're going to have your work cut out for you on that one.
Sounds like he wants to sell them to help others pieces too...If you're going to that kind of effort, you may as well have a go at sculpting new teeth? Thanks Matt.
If anyone has to destroy a bust of big chap. Can i implore you to carefully extract the upper and lower teeth molds. . If so ill pay to have them shipped to me. I may be able to make molds and casts of the teeth and then vacuum form a thin chrome sheet over them. If i can accomplish this i will be able to produce a few sets of caps for the busts that will just clip over the teeth. This is only possible because the teeth are not seperate but just one cast piece. Since the dimensions from teeth to gum are pretty generous with a thin enough plastic sheet you would not even know its a cap. Worth a shot. And plus it would negate the casting imperfections in the chompers as well.
I have spare teeth but I'm assuming you're American.