Super Freak
out of all the law suits in gaming these days this one is extremely warranted
An entire thread dedicated to dissing on one game. This has to be a new record for the forum.
Absolutely love that the law suit is finally happening. I hope Gearbox gets what's coming to them.
Every gaming company I can think of is guilty of this stuff to some degree. Peter Molyneux. That dude has lied about every game he's ever been involved with. He's so famous for his BS that no one takes him seriously anymore. Sony loves to show lies about their new hardware. It's all under the guise of "target video" but that's only once they're pressed to admit it. Remember Killzone 2 and half the other "games" they showed for the PS3? Most were lies to one degree or another.
Don't get me wrong...I think its a lousy practice and want it stopped. I'm just surprised this hasn't happened alot sooner. Maybe it has and hasn't changed anything. I don't follow lawsuits.
Most of the time we do get watered down versions of tech demos but this is an entirely different game than what was advertised. Whole sections missing drastically different AI and environments nothing that would be passable to anyone as a finished product, They knew what a good Aliens game looked like they just chose not to make it.
Molyneux is guilty of all those things too. Again, not defending anyone. Just saying that this is nothing new.
Not sure I agree but he did not bold face lie about a game based off a legendary licences and pretend he shared the same love for it meanwhile insulating other things in the franchise just to sell you probably the worst thing that ever happen to the IP in its forty-some years of existence. Yes we have been lied to before but I have met more honest used car salesmen that SEGA and Gearbox were in this instance.
You maybe right but in my experience with the FABLES series (which I assume is the majority of your complaint with him) it just seems some people feel betrayal whereas they are still functional games (at least untill the kinect gets involved) Aliens is a glitch riddled bugged out mess with not a single component that was promised.That's splitting hairs. The fact that he blatantly lied about games that didn't have a license attached is irrelevant. Lies and false advertising are still lies and false advertising. I think people's adoration of the property has blown the outrage out of proportion a bit. If this was a new game entity, people would've just pi$$ed on it and walked away. Just my opinion.