I love it.. trying to get hold of some more... Feroze wants 6 Marines and I I think I am making 8 if I can afford it... want to find a cool female headscuplt.
Right started playing with my airbrush this evening... never really used it much I just got so frustrated with all the leaning and it clogging up ... but I am going to persevere with it as I this it has so much potential...
Well the base coat is on... I was hoping to match the hot toys armour so all the marines blended in... but as I have spent over £55 on so many different paints I thing I will just have to do my best with what I have....
I went a little hard last night. my back isn't very happy with me.
Now I just need to fitz it a bit and finish the holster. I'm waiting on a knife to get here thats gonna be on the right side of the chest. I started making a helmet, hopefully I can finish it.
Now thank to a rather fine friend in Canada I was able to start on Ferozes Mark Drake.. We are using the Thor body and Royce boys at the mo.
Also I was so inspired by another friends marines I wanted to work on a few different ones... A sniper (seeing your TT Muscle head Scott I had to get one) and I would like to do a medic I think.