Robert Rodriguez to Team With James Cameron For ‘Alita: Battle Angel’
We will see how popular or posssible that will be...
It is not some slam dunk guarantee.
We are already cyborgs. That little phone you carry everywhere, even to bed and the bathroom, is apart of you and you of it. We have already begun to merge with technology.
Look up Neurolace. It’s a new startup the Elon Musk is funding. It’s a mesh interface that’s injected into your bloodstream, once it reaches your brain it forms a web/mesh around you brain and allows you to interface with anybody, any system, anywhere by thought.. be here by less than 20 years they say. Maybe it will be like the new vaccine for your children’s children.
Look up CRISPR. Gene editing. They’ve got that all ready to go.
The first super artificial intelligence will have arisen some where in the next 30 years 25% chance by 2030, 50% chance by 2050
Ubers vehicles will all be fully autonomous by 5 years, all the drivers are just testing the software for them right now.
All freight truck workers will be replace with autonomous trucks by 10-15
They’re going to build giant solar panel arrays in the deserts to power are cities.
There’s a giant technological tsunami coming and no one even realizes it.
But if you pay attention, you will see that some are showing you the future in the movies and Tv like in this film.
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