All 1:6 scale Ultraman figures, statues and kits so far

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Super Freak
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
The Democratic Peoples Republic of England
(I originally made a thread on OSF but noticed little to no Ultraman topics here so please allow me to re-post here)

I decided to compile all the 1:6 modern (Iron Man style) Ultraman figures/statues I know of in order to see just how many there are and wow, loads!

I must admit, I never read the manga nor did I ever watch the tv series nor the anime version (sorry) but I do love the modern design armours and already have many of the figures and kits by Sentinel, Threezero and Dimension Studio and am at... 18 or so now (2 more on PO) so yeah, Ultraman is becoming my new Iron Man.

Anyway, the list of figures I know of are as follows (divided by brand):

Sentinel (Hero;s Meister):

Ultraman (Manga version) diecast figure
Ultraman (Limiter version) diecast figure
Ultraman 7.2 (Manga version) diecast figure
Ultraman 7.2 (Manga version) Weapon accessories pack
s1 - Copy by kraggy2011, on Flickr


Ultraman (Manga version) plastic statue
z by kraggy2011, on Flickr


Ultraman statue based on manga
149202094131PM_7055475 by kraggy2011, on Flickr


Ultraman (Manga version) plastic figure
Ultraman (Stealth version) plastic figure
Ultraman (Anime version) part diecast figure
Ultraman 7 (Anime version) part diecast figure
Ultraman 7 (Stealth version) part diecast figure
Ace (Anime Version) part diecast figure
Ace (Stealth version) part diecast figure
Zero suit part diecast figure
Tiga suit part diecast figure
1 - Copy by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Dimension Studio (Eastern Model x Model Principle):

Ultraman (Manga version) Unpainted plastic kit
Ultraman (Manga version) Pre-painted plastic kit
Ultraman (Clear version) Unpainted plastic kit
Ultraman (Stealth version) Plastic kit
Ultraman (Manga/anime version) Diecast figure
Ultraman 7.3 (Manga version) Unpainted plastic kit
Ultraman 7.3 (Manga version) Pre-painted plastic kit
Ultraman 7.3 (Stealth version) Plastic kit
Ultraman 7.3 (Clear version) Plastic kit
Ultraman 7.3 (Manga version) Diecast figure
Bemular (Manga version) Diecast figure
Ace (Manga version) Diecast figure
Ace (Manga version) Pre-painted plastic kit
Ace (Manga version) Unpainted plastic kit
Jack (Manga version) ? (likely Diecast figure plus kits)
Weapon accessories pack A (Melee)
Weapon accessories pack B (Ranged)
Zero (Manga version (likely as unpainted kit, pre painted kit and diecast figure with addons)
c - Copy by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Here is a mosaic of all 1:6 figures, statues and kits so far with accessory packs:

c by kraggy2011, on Flickr

(Apologies for any errors I made, I am not an expert on the source material)

I expect Dimension Studio will follow with kit version Bemular (both painted and unpainted plus possible exclusive versions), Jack (figure and kit versions) and Zoffy (figure and kit versions).
Here are pics of my very amateur assembling of the stealth version kits by Dimension Studios.

I haven't done any painting nor applied the decals, and some areas need a little cleaning to remove the remnants of the nubs but otherwise they are done assembly wise:

Ultraman in progress pic:
IMG_2143 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

With lights on:
IMG_2135 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Seven in progress:
IMG_2154 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Hands before and after (yes they need some cleaning up but I was feeling lazy at that point):
IMG_2165 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2166 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Sevens lights:
IMG_2170 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Layout of figures with accessories:
IMG_2171 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Seven built:
IMG_2175 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2176 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2177 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2178 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2179 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2180 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2185 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Spare parts from Ultraman kit:
IMG_2187 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Spares from Seven (some are Ultraman parts as the later kit uses some parts from the prior kit, so some of these could be used as spares for Ultraman):
IMG_2188 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

When fully geared up these are the swap out parts for Seven:
IMG_2191 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Closer look at Ultramans accessories:
IMG_2192 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Everything (note that all the lights and batteries are removed except for the ones in Sevens head):
IMG_2194 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
ULTRAMAN . . . when one or more of Tony Stark's IRON MAN armor suits git jiggy wit it with a bodacious Asian female gynoid.

;) :p
oooooooohhhh yeah...

Anyway.... getting my mind back off of asian chicks and back on action figures:

Ultramen compared: Dimension Studios Stealth ver kit, Threezero Stealth ver figure and Sentinel figure.
IMG_2199 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

What is interesting is that when I first saw pics of the Threezero one I assumed that it was identical to the previous Sentinel one and that the Dimension one was a kit created from same sculpt but each is in fact a unique sculpt and nothing appears to be re-cast or made from same tooling/files. All the similarities in construction and hand poses etc all seem to be perhaps just uses of the same reference material and/or specific requirements by license owner. Maybe. Whatever the case, each has unique sculpt and proportions/features.

The first Ultraman figure by Sentinel (mine is used and prob a factory reject so a little scuffed and I cant find his accessories for comparison etc but will do for general comparison) has the best overall proportions IMHO, with a better sized head and also is constructed with metal parts. The paint however is not amazing since the red parts are not metallic and look plastic-y. They did do a second release with better paint but I do not own that one yet. The Threezero meanwhile is sleeker, slimmer and has some soft pvc areas to hide joint and improve poseability. It also has very nice paint and weathering though some reviews online point out QC issues (luckily mine seems fine). The Dimension Studios version has more Anime/Manga like proportions and more jagged angles, much more exaggerated in appearance overall. Obviously it is an unpainted kit so no paint apps to speak of and so doesn't look metallic in any way but it somehow works (prepainted kit and diecast figure versions are of course available though).
Biggest sculpt differences can be seen in the shoulder pads and chest plates as well as the forearms.

IMG_2200 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2201 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
IMG_2202 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Ideally, I would love the Sentinel sculpt with Threezero paint aps, but since that never happened I think the ultimate Ultraman figure may well be the Sentinel limiter release I do not have which has nice metallic colours. Shame it ain't cheap!

As for other differences, the original Sentinel release includes (but not pictured): 4 pairs of hands (fists, splayed fingers, semi pointing and relaxed) plus the 2 blue energy blades for the gauntlets as well as a mini tool to open panels/remove batteries. The Threezero stealth one meanwhile has similar hands (4 pairs: fists, splayed fingers, semi pointing and relaxed), red energy blades (not pictured), swap out gauntlet light cover parts (not pictured), a battery removal tool (again not pictured) and of course the alternate un-helmeted head that other brands lack.
The Dimension Studios brand version kit has again the same selection of hand poses in 4 pairs (fists, splayed fingers, semi pointing and relaxed), the two energy blades (in purple), 2 sweeping energy blade effects, a gauntlet blast effect, panel/battery removal tool and a few spare pieces of the small parts you may lose. No idea what the two double ring parts are for but they are there.

IMG_2203 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

All in all the Sentinel brand figure has the fewest accessories while the Dimension brand kit has the most but I think Threezero wins for the extra swap out head.

As for the two versions of Seven I have, one is the finished figure with diecast parts in metallic red and silver while the kit is sold un-assembled in unpainted plastic.
IMG_2204 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Both appear to be exactly the same sculpt (well, they are the same brand) so to differentiate them a bit I used the alternate swap out parts on the calves since they have little plugs on them (not sure what for but hey it alters the look a bit).

Both the finished figure and the kit share the same weapon loadout (two rifles plus the back mount to hold them, two swords with scabbards and articulated arms to mount them on and the two massive cannon things) plus the same swap out hip covers with sword mounting points but do actually differ beyond that:

The finished figure has 5 pairs of hands: fists, splayed fingers, sword sheath posing hands, big cannon gripping hands and some "trigger finger" gun holding hands. Meanwhile, the kit version has 8 pairs: fists, splayed fingers, sword sheath posing hands, sword gripping hands, big cannon gripping hands, "trigger finger" gun holding hands, slightly different "trigger finger" hands, relaxed hands and semi pointing hands. The kit also has the swap out parts for the calves I mentioned along with a few spares from the re-use of kit parts from the Ultraman kit. There is also the decal sheet with the kit but that doesn't really count as the finished figure has them pre-applied.

IMG_2208 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Finally some individual pics of each figure:

IMG_2209 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_2210 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_2211 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_2212 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_2213 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
More comparisons of the ones I had at the time:

Everyone together:
IMG_3722 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Ultraman figures and kits:
IMG_3761 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Left to right: Sentinel: manga version figure (bought loose/used incomplete, possibly factory reject), Threezero: Stealth version figure, Dimension Studios: Stealth version kit, unpainted kit and clear/holographic kit.

Ace figures and kits:
IMG_3723 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Threezero: anime version figure, Dimension Studios: manga version figure and manga version unpainted kit.

Seven figures and kits:
IMG_3724 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Threezero: anime version figure and stealth version figure, Dimension Studios: manga version figure, manga version unpainted kit, manga stealth version kit and manga clear/holographic version kit.

Bemular figure by Dimension Studios:
IMG_3730 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

(the forum limits number of images per comment so I am having to break my comparisons into multiple comments, apologies for the spam level of comments)
Now, on to proper comparisons:

I already compared the different offerings of Ultraman before by Sentinel, Threezero and Dimension Studios, so will be skipping them for the most part, instead I will focus on Ace and Seven. I will mostly ignore light up functions as I never use them but I will try to list them.

First up, Ace:

IMG_3731 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Threezero left, Dimension right.

IMG_3732 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3733 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3734 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3737 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3738 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3739 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Threezero's figure is based on the Netflix anime series look and is very sleek, with a seamless appearance while the Dimension Studios figure is more mecha looking and based off the manga.

Both figures have metal parts and a metallic red and silver colour scheme though the Threezero one has more red overall.

The Dimension Ace while more stylised with small waist and wide hips etc has more bulk to it and the focus is on engineering the articulation in to the design which makes for a far more satisfying figure to play around with posing. All parts are either plastic or metal so no rubber to be concerned about cracking. The Threezero Ace meanwhile has soft pvc parts in the mid/lower torso and groin/rear as well as ankles/feet in particular. This helps create the smooth seamless look but I would prefer no soft parts as they are prone to issues of paint flake/fade and warping. I wish Threezero would stop using pvc/rubber on their figures. They can, they just don't. Sigh.

When it comes to accessories Dimension Studios wins hands down. it includes a total of 5 pairs of hands, 9 different energy effect pieces, 2 swap out arm canons and a tool for opening compartments/flaps. Small pieces can also be pulled out of the forearms to allow the flaps to close flush. Meanwhile, Threezero's includes 4 pairs of hands total, a spare pair of wrist pegs (that is awesome), 1 energy effect, 4 swap out pieces for the arms, 2 swap out open back flaps (no hinged flaps. lame) and just 1 swap out arm canon that looks tiny compared to Dimension Studios version.

IMG_3741 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3740 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3735 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

The 9 energy effects by Dimension are better sculpted and are clear (clear is good IMHO) while Threezero's is opaque and not particularly interesting sculpt-wise. The hands meanwhile while similarly posed look very different: Dimension Studios Ace's hands are nice and chunky, like armour covered gloves while the Threezero ones are very dainty in hand, hard to imagine getting hands inside them.

IMG_3742 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3743 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Both figures include light up gimmicks: Threezero has light up chest and eyes while Dimension Studios has light up arm canons (x2), light up chest and light up eyes.

Where Threezero wins is the colour (I love the bold, glossy metallic red and silver, though there are some edges that aren't perfect) and the proportions (though skinny, the proportions are more realistic). I also prefer Threezero's helmet for both its size (compared to body) and sculpt. In all other areas Dimension Studios wins.

In an ideal world I would like to see a bulky, mecha looking Ace with realistic proportions, bold glossy metallic colour, tons of accessories and no soft PVC/rubber parts. Until then neither is perfect but I would say get Dimension Studios if you can get only one.

As for the Dimension Studios finished figure vs Unpainted kit, the sculpt looks to be identical, as does articulation. The kit has only 1 swap out arm canon but it also has a few spare/unused parts from the runners (re-used from the earlier Ultraman kit) which might come in handy as spares or custom fodder.
IMG_3747 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3744 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3745 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3746 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3736 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Now for Seven:

IMG_3748 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Threezero's offering again is sleek with a more seamless appearance and good proportions, while Dimension Studios offering is more angular with 'anime' proportions. Threezero Again has the better paint colour IMHO but also makes use of soft pvc in addition to hard plastic and metal, whereas the Dimension Studios version is all plastic/metal allowing better articulation.

IMG_3749 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3750 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3751 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3752 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3753 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

IMG_3754 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Dimension Studios version of Seven is loaded with accessories including two swords, 2 scabbards with attachment arms, two rifles, a back mounted rifle holder, 2 huge canon things (sorry, I fogot what they are called), a total of 5 pairs of hands, two swap out sword mounting hip plates, 2 swap out hip sword mount plugs and 2 clear arm canon mounting hole plugs as well as a mini tool for opening flaps/battery compartments.

IMG_3729 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Threezero's Seven includes: 1 sword, 1 scabbard, 1 scabbard attachment arm piece, 3 throwing blades, 1 swap out sword mounting hip plate and total 5 pairs of hands.

While Threezero may well intend to release an add-on pack (much the same way Sentinel released their Seven suit figure with 1 sword then released an add on pack with the rest of the weapons) but as it is Dimension Studios is absolutely better value for money.

IMG_3755 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Left: Threezero. right: Dimension Studios.

IMG_3756 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Left: Threezero. right: Dimension Studios.

IMG_3757 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Left: Threezero. right: Dimension Studios.

IMG_3758 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Left: Threezero. right: Dimension Studios.

As for lights, Dimension Studios version has light up eyes and chest while Threezero has light up eyes only.

All in all, I much prefer Dimension Studios Seven when it comes to articulation, materials and accessories, but Threezero has the better colour (more eye catching glossy silver and red) and more realistic proportions. Ideally I would like the colour and proportions of the Threezero one with the engineering, materials and accessories of the Dimension Studios one. If I had to recommend only one, I'd say Dimension Studios but your opinion may differ.

The Seven figure I don't own is the Sentinel one. That one may, much like their Ultraman, have the best proportions and bulk to it, but the colour of it (plain plasticy red and matte silver) and high price means I would still likely recommend the Dimension Studios one.

As for the stealth version figure by Threezero, it is identical to the normal anime version one except for colour. The gloss black feels a little plasticy in appearance so I would say it is for completionist collectors only.

The kit versions of Seven by Dimension Studios are mostly identical to the finished figure but with a few minor exceptions: The kits include 8 pairs of hands rather than 5, some spare/unused parts (from re-used runners originally used in the previous Ultraman kit) and swap out covers for the calves on the legs which have plugs that must be for some future accessories.

The biggest differences between the finished diecast figure and the kits really are just materials and colour. There is a pre-painted kit (that I don't yet own) that is fairly close colour-wise with its silver and metallic red colour scheme but being a model kit is all plastic. Then there is the unpainted version kit which comes in mainly grey and red coloured plastic, the stealth version kit that is more of a very dark blue/grey with slightly lighter dark grey plastic and then finally the clear/holographic version kit that comes in mainly transparent red and plain clear plastic.

The clear version kit is not so easy to get outside Taobao and the plastic, being clear, is less durable. The joints meanwhile are not as tight as the other versions so my suggestion is to skip it unless you really must collect them all or just want to display it in a diorama as a hologram. Same goes for the previously released clear Ultraman. I will say that the figures being made entirely of clear/semi translucent plastic makes for a far better "hologram" look than the Hot Toys "holographic" MK4 Iron Man (especially if illuminated correctly) so there is that.

The stealth version kit has very nice purple light up eyes and chest and would be a great base for a painted stealth Seven suit but honestly I would say that the standard unpainted version kit is cheaper and easier to get so again skip the stealth unless you gotta catch 'em all.

The unpainted Seven suit kit is the cheapest and most widely available option and to be honest, even if you don't paint it it looks cool as a sort simplistic manga version. It has nice tight joints (unlike the clear kit) and just feels nice in hand. I would say it is the perfect choice for budget collectors and customisers, especially since it has so many accessories. If you can't find the diecast figure get the Unpainted kit. Same goes for the normal Ultraman and Ace unpainted kits. I love them.

Now finally Bemular:
This one is only available in diecast figure form so far, and to be honest I don't mind if no further versions get made since I am not a huge fan of the design. I get that it is an alien and that it is usually flying but I still would prefer a more... down to earth look.

It is pretty tall at 15 or so inches and has a lot of moving parts. It is surprisingly poseable and thankfully includes a dynamic stand to hold it since the feet are weird in design.

It includes a red light up blast effect that is supposed to activate by tapping it (I never put batteries in to test) which plugs into one of the two hands that are designed to have the effect pieces plug in. hand. The other effect pieces consist of 2 thin red energy beams, 2 bigger red energy beams and finally a blue energy blast effect with attached hand. In addition to the 3 above mentioned effects hands there is another 2 pairs of hands for a total of 3.5 pairs. They also included 2 spare wrist pegs (very helpful), the previously mentioned stand and a mini tool for opening flaps/compartments.

This is a big heavy figure that would make for a good Ultron stand in. I kinda think it would look even cooler with mecha wings for some reason. My only complaint regarding the quality is that is a powdery residue on the red effect pieces (I think it is intentionally applied to give some variance to the colour) but it rubs off onto your fingers, clothes- whatever it touches. get a damp cloth and wipe the parts down before use to avoid transfer.

If you like the look of it, get it, it is very nicely engineered and has a lot of shelf presence, if you don't like the look or don't need a villain skip it.

Now for some group shots:

Painted figures:
IMG_3771 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
From left: Dimension Ace, Threezero Ace, Sentinel Ultraman, Threezero Seven, Dimension Seven.

Unpainted kits:
IMG_3770 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Dimension Studios Ace, Ultraman and Seven

Stealth version kits and figures:
IMG_3759 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Threezero Ultraman and Seven figures on left, Dimension Studios Seven and Ultraman Kits on rght

Holographic style clear kits:
IMG_3767 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Dimension Studios Ultraman and Seven compared with HT Iron Man and 1000toys Synthetic Human.

IMG_3768 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Much better holographic effect than HT's half assed attempt.

IMG_3769 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Ultraman comparison again:
IMG_3764 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
Sentinel, Threezero, Dimension Studios.[/b][/size]
This is an amazing post

Thanks for all the info

I still have my old threezero ultraman manga ver. But to be honest I always wanted the sentinel limiter ver. Mostly because of that fantastic and accurate shinjiro head sculpt that it comes with, unlike the cheap and ugly threezero sculpt the sentinel actually looks like the char from the manga series

Now After so many years and so many ultraman figures I'm returning to the serch and mostly cause I found the normal sentinel ver. For 80dls from an auction in Japan and I just couldn't resist (its on the way)

Also I want to try the dimension studios unpainted model kit but don't really know where to get it 😅


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Thanks I'll definitely going to preorder him (taro)

And just to make an update my sentinel figure arrived a week ago but I haven't had the chance to check it properly

But with a quick glance I can see why threezero win the race with the ultraman franchise in 1/6 scale

To be honest I was expecting the classic and amazing over the top attention to details and paint job that I have seen in their other lines like (tatsu fighting gear, or riobot) but unfortunately it's a pretty sloppy job so far

Hope I can check it with more detail this weekend but I guess I prefer the threezero approach

Thanks I really like to use effects on the figures 😅


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I really like the design of Ace and love the figure. I don’t want to go any further down the Threezero Ultraman rabbit hole, though. I’ll never find the room. I did pick up the Dynaction Shin Ultraman. Love it!


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Not much into the Netflix ultra run (no ultra vibe here) but my Dynaction Shin is still waiting in its box for me to see the movie 😁