All Things HELLBOY

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Holy crap Occ!!! That is insane... I think in the past I saw the headsculpt; didn't realize you'd done that much work.

You need to finish this; then get it copied and make a mint :rock
thanks guys :rock
I figured most would be saying "Youre posting that thing here again?" :lol

im thikning about resculpting the serpent to a smaller scale similar to the ref pic. But Im not sure....
thanks guys :rock
I figured most would be saying "Youre posting that thing here again?" :lol

im thikning about resculpting the serpent to a smaller scale similar to the ref pic. But Im not sure....

No way man, its seriously damn fine work. I'm always blow away by how talented some of the people on this board are. I imagine if you had more time you'd be ruling this playground :lol

The serpent does seem a bit large, but not distractingly so and it seems like you nailed it so I'd leave it as-is for now.
That statue is looking very cool. If you ever finish it and make casts of it I'm sure you'd have no problem selling it. That's probably my favorite static HB sculpt I have seen.
holy crap.
I just realized I started this 4yrs ago.
I really suck.


Umm... If you finish and cast it, they will sell. :D

Amazing work man.
I've added the Nazi Kroenen back into my collection... he's been upgraded to a TTL body, given DiD boots and King Darkness sent me a great replacement coat.

yeah, saw these on your facebook. Amazing work. Just need the sword and finish off the tail and its gold.

attached the cover its loosely based on.

The serpent wrapped around him is still soft sculpey in that pic. Thats the point i stopped. The sculpey has actually peeeled off the serpent now from drying out.

the hellboy himself is about 12" high from the bottom of his coat to the top of his head.
Also, just got an e-mail from gentle giant that Doug Jones will be at their booth at SDCC this year. Probably promoting new Hellboy statues for GG ?
We need an Abe PF too. Where's the love for Abe SS!

Well they did that comiquette that stayed on their shelves forever. YOu can probably still buy it from them. It's a great piece, but because of how slow it sold, probably won't be seeing a PF. Which is too bad. I have the comiquette but would prefer a PF so I could display him with HB. The comiquette is just too tall and he towers above HB which just isn't right.
May 1, 2010

my drunk lady friend dropped my babye hellboy on the floor...i feel so downm right now. it broke in half...i wish it was the HT one but npt.

i am drunk-ish and in tears.